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18 discussion posts
Hope I can explain this well enough!
I have a primary monitor and two secondary monitors. I'd like the second monitors to remain faded when unselected, but un-fade when active. The primary monitor should always remain unfaded regardless of whether or not it's inactive.
Currently clicking on a secondary monitor fades my primary monitor (using the "Fade Non-Current Monitors" mode).
A simple solution for this would be to allow us to manually include or exclude specific monitors (including virtual monitors from splits) from fading.
If such a thing is already possible, please let me know! I'm aware of the "Fade non-primary monitors" mode, but this removes the auto fading and unfading of inactive monitors.
Nov 1, 2022 (modified Nov 1, 2022)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You're explanation is perfect! We have an open feature request for a "Fade non-current non-primary monitors" so I've added your vote to that, thanks!
Nov 3, 2022  • #2
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