17 discussion posts
Move next monitor is most useful on dual-monitor systems. Three or more and I would prefer move left and move right, especially from a Titlebar button.

9 discussion posts
do you have the newest version of DF installed?
check out this topic as well
@salri: I think I understand what you want. If your monitors aren't in the correct numerical order, then "next" isn't always to the right. This isn't planned for a future release, but I hope to have something in place for a future release to better handle systems with 4 or more monitors. Thanks!

17 discussion posts
My monitors are numbered 3, 2, 1 left to right (in Windows 7 when you click Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Display\Screen Resolution). Your code should detect this and ensure that the icons associated with the Next and Previous point in the correct direction and tooltip says Right and Left from the customers point of view when looking at the monitors. Does that make sense and is that doable?
You can use whichever icon you want to represent the titlebar buttons, so you can switch these yourself when setting up the button. However, I know what you mean, and it might make sense to add a new hotkey like "Move to the Right" in the future. Thanks!

17 discussion posts
Swapping the icons worked nicely. Thanks for the tip. I didn't realize I could change the icons.