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Jani Niemitalo
2 discussion posts
I would love to be able to replace my windows taskbar with a displayfusion one cause the customisazion's for windows taskbar are the worst plausible.

As an example i would like to have my icons, clock and show desktop button in the bottom left corner of my desktop and start button in the bottom right corner it is not plausible cause windows taskbar does not allow me to remove start button or icons area buttons ...

Also would be awesome if displayfusion jumplist options where also available if you right click windows on windows taskbar.
May 8, 2013  • #1
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David Morgan
1 discussion post
try this absolutely the best
May 8, 2013  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Jani: Neither are currently possible, but they are both on our feature request list. I'll add your vote to both requests, and if we're able to implement them in the future, we'll post an update!

May 9, 2013  • #3
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Jani Niemitalo
2 discussion posts
Thank you for responses!
May 9, 2013  • #4
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