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I got the steam version of Display fusion (at full price, before the summer sale, doh :D ).
I mainly use it to manage my third 'screen', a beamer connected through an amp :)

And it works pretty great, I like all the other features I keep finding (like the backup/restore function, which I found after I started backing up the settings in reg files myself XD ).

But I have one minor issue: because the port with the amp/beamer either has the amp, beamer, both, or none turned on, windows will get different possilbe refresh rates reported at different times.
As a result if I accidentally have the screen enabled in a profile while a lower max refresh rate is reported, because say the beamer is off, the profile will switch to and store the lower refresh rate, and next time I use the profile (with the beamer turned on), it will also use the lower refresh rate, which I usually find out after watching a movie XD

This is why I started backing up settings, so I could quickly revert the refresh rates stored in the profiles to the higher ones :)

So what I would like is a advanced setting which would keep the refresh rate stored in a profile, even when windows reports it's higher then the max refresh rate. Ofcourse it can't set it at that moment, but it should keep the higher rate in the settings/registry so that if at a later time it's possible to set it again, it will :)

I hope this made sense! ^_^

Thank you! :)
Jul 13, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Your request does make sense. Initially we made it overwrite the refresh rate in the profile, so that it wouldn't have to go through the extra step of trying it, failing, and applying whatever Windows wants it to. However, for your scenario, it definitely makes more sense to always try the saved refresh rate first. I've put this on our list, and we'll see what we can do :)

Jul 13, 2015  • #2
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2 discussion posts
Yay! ^_^
Jul 13, 2015  • #3
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