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5 discussion posts
First off, DisplayFusion is an sweet program, and I've been using the free version for quite a while, not buying the Pro because it lacks a few key features for me.

I have be searching far and wide for a program that will allow me to quickly change wallpapers when I rotate my monitors ( change it from 1680x1050 to 1050x1680) with little luck. I had pretty much given up when I found this forum and realized I might actually be able to get a feature added! (What a novel idea! A buisness listening to its customers requests!) For most of my wallpapers, I make a 1050x1680 version with a little editing. What I would like is to have wallpapers, or even better, wallpaper settings (both monitors, size mode and, postioning) hotkeyed. All I have to do to rotate my monitor is Ctrl+Alt+Arrow, and I would love to make changing my wallpaper as easy. I now my reasons for wanting this are a little unusual, but this seems like a feature others could use also.

And, (just dreaming) if at all possible, it would be amazing if DisplayFusion could some how be done automatically. Maybe setting a wallpaper to a specific resolution so when the resolution changes, so would the image (I guess with the "Fix my wallpaper without prompting setting on." This would be helpful for anyone who changes their resolutions regularly for any reason.

1. Wallpapers or wallpaper settings hotkeyed
2. Set Wallpaper for a certain resolution to change automatically with resolution
3. Some other way to do what I want automatically

Thanks for the consideration. I hope I have repeated any requests or asks for something you've already implemented in 2.3
Jan 27, 2009  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
This is an excellent idea, and already partially implemented in the current version of DisplayFusion (v2.2.1). There is a setting called "Warn me if my wallpaper needs adjusting", and a "pro only" feature called "Fix my wallpaper without prompting". If you have both of these enabled (or even just the "warn me") feature it will detect when you rotate your screen because the resolution will change. Then, if you have the "fix without prompting" feature enabled it will re-apply your current wallpaper, adjusting and cropping it to fit your rotated resolution. This comes a bit short of applying a new wallpaper based on the resolution, but it's pretty close. I will have to think more about how I would add a feature that changes your wallpaper whenever the resolution changes, without adding a bunch more checkboxes to the wallpaper settings window.
Jan 29, 2009  • #2
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5 discussion posts
Alright, thanks. Either hotkeys or automatic would be great.
Jan 29, 2009  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
In the next release of DisplayFusion (v2.3) there is a HotKey to change to the next random wallpaper image. I had completely forgot I added this to the next version, but that it's in there and it should help you out. :)
Feb 2, 2009  • #4
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5 discussion posts
So, I could set it to choose out of a folder with only two desktops and set it to never change automatically? (so that it would only change when I used the hotkeys)

Also, you probably have answered or refused to answer this else where, but when do you think 2.3 is coming out?
Feb 3, 2009  • #5
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5 discussion posts
Well, I bought 3.0, and I'm extremely satisfied. For each wallpaper I have, I simply make a folder with a portrait version and a landscape. I then set it to random and choose the folder that it is in and set the time to 1440 Minutes so it wont change automatically (at least not very often). I expected when even I rotate the monitor to have to use the "next wallpaper" hotkey (which would have been fine), but when ever I rotate my monitor, it changes to the different oriented background automatically (I have "Fix my wallpaper without prompting). So it's working pretty nicely. I was wondering how you did it, so I know how it works and can possibly exploit it more. When it detects a change in orientation, does it advance to the next image? (I don't think it does it simply ever time my resolution changes, because if I just flip my monitor upside down, it does change.)

The only other thing I ask is it possible to add a "Do not change paper automatically" option for those like me or those who only want to change it with a hotkey.

Thank You. You have made a program that seems, at the very lest in my case, to be unparalleled.
Feb 24, 2009  • #6
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I'm glad to hear you got it working, and thank you for your support. :) Perhaps in the next release I could raise the maximum minutes value to something like 50,000 minutes, which would be more than 1 month. Would that help? For the random image changer, it doesn't take the next image in a folder, it takes any image (at random), so there are no guarantees as to which image you will get. On my "to do" list I have thought about having an option to select the images sequentially by name. Once I do that it might help you a bit more. :)
Feb 24, 2009  • #7
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
Jon, instead of some large number why not just use 0?
Feb 24, 2009  • #8
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5 discussion posts
Well, same question as Bob, but if that's too difficult, being able to set the change time to something that high would definitely suffice.
Feb 28, 2009  • #9
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