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8 discussion posts
Hi, I'm enjoying DisplayFusion's multi-monitor wallpaper rotation, but would it be possible to save frequently used wallpaper settings so that it's easier to pick at a later date? I'm thinking of something similar to Windows 7's native theme selection. It's just a lot of effort to reset a bunch of folders, scaling settings, background colors, etc. in order to switch between different desktop themes on a whim.

(Also, minor complaint, but when I'm searching through my wallpapers for something that looks good, that "Do you want to apply these settings?" dialog gets old quickly.)
Apr 3, 2009  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I like the idea of saving themes, and it's something I have on my to-do list for the future. :) As for the prompt, I will provide an option in a future version to disable that. Thanks!
Apr 7, 2009  • #2
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