Matt Dralle
21 discussion posts
Display Fusion Feature Request
It would be really nice if there were an option to automatically scale bitmaps to a fixed X or Y size. For example, no matter what the source picture size was, display fusion would always scale it to 1280 wide.
You can't force DF to scale to a certain pixel size, but you can force it to always scale a picture to your monitor's width. Is this all you need, or would you prefer to have the image smaller than your monitor?

Matt Dralle
21 discussion posts
Yeah, I'm thinking of some sub-full monitor size. Most of the pictures I have are quite lage and having the picture fill the screen is just too much and makes finding icons along the side difficult. I'd like to scale them down to around 66% of the screen size or so. That makes the picture easy to see and detailed, yet not overwhelming.

Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
I can sense a new feature coming... Lol.
(That is in no way an official report of the issue, just a joking DF regular, it does sound REALLY good though.)
Although, how can this be implemented? A nice configurable option would be nice, but what would that option be, and where would it belong? I am thinking the image postion tab, that is rather empty. Change it to image options, and have some vertical and horizontal offsets for size?

Matt Dralle
21 discussion posts
Yeah, I was thinking that the Image Position Tab might be a good place. Although it probably logically fits better on "Image" Tab under the "Size Mode" pull down. It would require an optional entry box, however.
Here are some options I'm thinking of:
Scale image to horiziontal pixel size; maintain aspect ratio:
Scale image to horiziontal % of screen; maintain aspect ratio:
Scale image to vertical pixel size; maintain aspect ratio:
Scale image to vertical % of screen; maintain aspect ratio:
I had already planned to implement a feature for the Wallpaper called "Scaling". It was going to allow you to scale an image to a certain % of it's original size. I'll extend that feature and let you scale it to a specific pixel size as well.