Marc J
32 discussion posts
I used to use Ultramon but switched to DisplayFusion when I upgraded to Win7. It is generally much better, but one thing I miss is the ability to edit shortcuts so that applications always open on a certain monitor at a certain size.
For example (hope you don't mind the link): - http://www.realtimesoft.com/ultramon/tour/shortcuts.asp

8 discussion posts
I'd also like to beg you to reconsider this feature. I also switched from Ultramon and am VERY happy with DisplayFusion. It is a much more polished program.
My only annoyance so far has been this issue. I've just gotten used to (for example) Firefox always automatically opening on my 2nd monitor. With DF I open it, then click on the Move to Next Window button.Yes, I know, one extra button click won't kill me, but it's a feature that is very nice.
Just my 2 cents. Otherwise I'm loving my DF experience so far!

Marc J
32 discussion posts
As a web designer it was handy to be able to open a browser at a set size (1024 x 768 for example). I really miss this.
Please reconsider!

426 discussion posts
As another convert to DisplayFusion, I agree that this is a very desireable feature to have/use.
ASUS home built Pc on Windows 10 x64 Pro with 3 Dell U2719D monitors. Dell XPS 8940SE on Windows 11x64 Pro with 2 Dell U2719D monitors.

36 discussion posts
I already see it will be added but i also want o say that most of the multi display users will like to have that feature, i like it myself.

1 discussion post
I too will jump on the bandwagon. I purchased the software based on some user reviews without testing it out, coming from Ultramon. Like the software ton's but being able to assign a program to a display would be great. Currently, DisplayFusion seems to more or less remember the screen for the program I am running. I noticed it stopped working when I turned on 'Windows taskbar shows all windows, DisplayFusion shows relevant windows' option under Taskbar settings.
Looking forward to 3.2.

46 discussion posts
I also requested this feature long ago, and I'm happy to see it's finally getting prioritized. I really do miss this feature from Ultramon.
Will you be able to make this apply to fullscreen applications as well? Like games for instance. This was my main usage for this feature anyway.