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2 discussion posts
I like the number of options available already for images instead of the standard center/stretch/tile. I would like to add another (or another subset, whichever is more logical);

I'd like to have an image smaller than the screen's resolution able to stay at its native aspect ratio and snap to a corner/side of the screen, leaving the rest of the screen with a solid color.

A very basic sketch in mspaint to help illustrate one of the possibilities.

If this is a feature you'd rather include in the pro version, I'd be happy to pay for it :)
Mar 29, 2008  • #1
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Kevin F.
456 discussion posts
But it is on a related topic......

This would be for pro, as it goes with the rotater.... options to set the stretch/center/tile/snap to corner for each picture... Simple enough so I thought I would throw it in here... JT seems like he is taking some time off to enjoy the real world though... come back to us!

BTW A+ for the OPs idea, I was going to suggest it myself when JT showed signs of life again.
Mar 30, 2008  • #2
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
pyrobob: Don't worry, I'm still alive. :-) Things have been busy around my place lately, but I have found time to work on DisplayFusion. The random Flickr image changer is done, and I'm just trying to fix up some stubborn bugs. It's all coming together nicely though.

Cheechi: I like the idea. It sounds like the existing mode that just centres the images, but you would like to move it to the sides or corners as well, without an resizing. Does this sound correct?

Mar 30, 2008  • #3
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2 discussion posts
Cheechi: I like the idea. It sounds like the existing mode that just centres the images, but you would like to move it to the sides or corners as well, without an resizing. Does this sound correct?

That is the gist (sp?) of it. I'm not too fond of stretched/compresed images as backgrounds. :)

The example in the picture is the setup I use at home, I have 2x 1920x1200 monitors, one pivoted in a document orientation. There are exactly 3 wallpapers I have for this, two of which I've manipulated from 16x12 with a large region of solid color.
Mar 31, 2008  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I am still trying to work out the best way to include extra functionality without adding more options to the already cluttered wallpaper interface. Once I can get the new wallpaper interface done I am hoping it will be easier to add new features.
May 10, 2008  • #5
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