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157 discussion posts
Please add an option to adjust (increase, decrease) the sensitivity of border and window snapping. If possible, a global setting adjustment, and separate setting adjustment for each respectively.
Aug 12, 2015 (modified Aug 12, 2015)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
You should be able to do this using the "Window Snapping Distance" option on the Settings > Window Snapping tab. Is that option not working? Or did I misunderstand your request?

Aug 14, 2015  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sorry, just realized you are looking to have each one be a separate setting. I'll put that on our feature request list :)

Aug 14, 2015  • #3
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157 discussion posts
The "Window Snapping Distance" option works.

Yeah, perhaps I wasn't clear enough. What I'm requesting is the ability to increase and decrease the snapping "strength" from a range, lets say, 0 to 10. Currently, snapping seems fairly low and while using dual displays moving an application to the upper left corner of display two often slides over to display one. It's not like I can move the application and it snaps in place. It's fairly a global issue with snapping to apps/apps and apps/win. I'd often like two apps stuck together, or to a window, and prefer to use a hammer and chisel to unsap them from each other... if it's called for use a setting of 0, 4, 6, 9 for alternate apps, app/app, app/win.

So I think it'd be great to see a "strength" feature, where the range 0 to 10 and 0 being DF's normal strength as it is now. If the "strength" setting is set to 10 and a user moves an application to the side, top, corner of the window it will just stick in place. Though, it should take a little effort to move the application out of it's snapped position. The same with snapping an application to another application, though I think there should be some type of key combination to unlock the snapped applications besides using a bit of force (swiftly moving, or the mouse reaches so many pixels while the LMB is pressed then unlocks) with the mouse.

Also, it'd be nice to see advanced settings for this feature so a user could add specific applications and give them each a separate setting of their own. Say I want two notepads open and want them to display the same size, and use a "strength" of 10 to snap the applications together, THEN the user would be able to move both notepads that are snaps between displays, resize one notepad it'll dynamically resize the other which is snapped to it. Also the separate setting to snap to a display edge, so while the two notepads are snapped together at a range of 10, I could set the snap to display edge at a setting of 0 to 10.

Though at a setting of 10, I think there ought to be a key combination shortcut or ctrl, alt, etc, or as stated before a pixel depth range (move distance) to unlock a stuck snap. This would also be a setting where a user can manually change. It'd be thrilling for the first few attempts unlocking the snapped apps and windows and ending up throwing the mouse at the wall, but I'm sure it'd get old having to purchase a mouse each time.

Outside of the advanced and adding specific applications there would be a general global setting for window and application snapping. Specifically added applications would ignore, obviously, the global rules.

How's that?
Aug 14, 2015 (modified Aug 15, 2015)  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah ok, thanks for the clarification! I've put those items on our list, and if we're able to implement them, we'll be sure to let you know.

Aug 20, 2015  • #5
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