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13 discussion posts
Often I have the same program open multiple times for multiple tasks. It can quickly get confusing as to which instance is for which task. The window title bar only displays 'program name', but not which task I'm using it for. It would be cool if I could, for instance, right click on the title bar and choose 'rename', to help me keep track of which window is for which task.
Sep 20, 2012  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Interesting idea! We'll add this to our feature request list for further investigation. In the meantime, have you checked out the "Highlight Window" function in the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab? It allows you to specify a colour to highlight the window border with, so that you can more easily identify the application instance :)
Sep 21, 2012  • #2
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1 discussion post
I realize this is a really old thread, but figured I'd bump it rather than create a new one. :)

Were you guys ever able to evaluate how feasible this would be? This would be a huge convenience for me.

I work with a development tool where I have to launch a separate instance of the IDE for each environment I'm working on (e.g., prod, test, etc). As you can see from the attached screenshot, it can quickly get pretty confusing figuring out which is which when I'm trying to bring them up from the task bar or find them in the alt-tab switcher.

Being able to relabel them to match their dev environment would definitely make life a lot easier. It's something I've thought about in the past, and playing with all the cool new features in 6.0 reminded me about it. :D
• Attachment [protected]: Capture.PNG [104,088 bytes]
Jun 20, 2014  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
To be totally honest, I'm not quite sure where we ended up with this request. It's still open on our list, but we don't have any notes with it at the moment. We'll have another quick peek at it when we get a chance, and I'll let you know what we come up with :)

Jun 20, 2014  • #4
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Joseph Bailey
1 discussion post
I added this manually easy to do.

Add a scripted function to display fusion and paste this code


using System;
using System.Drawing;

public static class DisplayFusionFunction
public static void Run(IntPtr windowHandle)
"New window title",

Will just pop up with a box to allow you to change the title
Mar 17, 2015  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Nice! Thanks for sharing that script, Joseph :)
Mar 17, 2015  • #6
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Simon Wallis
1 discussion post
The script from Joseph Bailey doesn't work for my IDE (SQL Server Management Studio). As soon as I run a query, it refreshes the title bar and overwrites my custom title set using the script :(

I have multiple of these IDEs open at a time, and Microsoft gives each one a meaningless name (eg., "SQLQuery8.sql", etc). It's impossible to tell which IDE is for a particular environment or task, and I continually have to ALT+Tab between them to find the one I want.

I would love a way to be able to set a window name and have it stay until the window is closed.

Please consider this feature request. Doesn't look like it can be accomplished using the script. I would pay for a Pro license to be able to do this.
Sep 12, 2023  • #7
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