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12 discussion posts

I'm running Firefox 4 Beta and when I middle click or drag from one monitor to another (while maximised) the titlebar area loses aero and goes transparent. If I unmaximsie it, the titlebar turns black. The strange thing is it only happens when there is Flash on the page you are viewing. To get aero working again, you have to restart Firefox.

I searched the forums, but couldn't find any reports of this. I realise Firefox 4 is in beta, but the issue itself only happens when Displayfusion is enabled. I've tried the stable and beta versions of Displayfusion both with the same result. If I add Firefox under compatibility and disable "Allow middle-click window moving" and "Allow maximised window dragging", the issue doesn't happen, but obviously I can no longer middle click to move it between monitors.

Anyone else have this issue?

Sep 7, 2010  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I haven't seen this issue yet, but I'm not running the Firefox betas on my main development machine. They are still releasing tons of bug fixes, so I'm going to hold off until the later RC's and see if this issue persists. It sounds like something that they may need to address. Sorry for the bad news, but I'm hoping they can tackle it before final release. :)
Sep 7, 2010  • #2
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12 discussion posts
Thanks for the reply Jon. Just thought it may be a DisplayFusion issue due to it only happening when it's running, but it only happening when Firefox is running Flash sounds like an issue with Firefox itself. Hopefully it'll fix itself by the time the final Firefox 4 is released.
Sep 7, 2010  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
My thoughts as well, I'm really looking forward to the Firefox 4 final release. :)
Sep 8, 2010  • #4
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