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Kent Gorrell
2 discussion posts
after a recent update of FireFox the button is missing. Could be due to the search tabs dropdown button. The button in Chrome is OK but, just left of the Tab Search, but the Tab Search button in FireFox is further to the left where the DisplayFusion Move button used to be. Ctl+Win+X still works. Anyone else having an issue with the button or know how to fix it?
Oct 30, 2022  • #1
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1 discussion post
Having same issue reported it via in app help
Oct 31, 2022  • #2
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Kent Gorrell
2 discussion posts
Support came back to me with a resolution - In the compatibility tab, add FireFox and adjust both the Normal and Maximised TitleBar Button Offset. I found that setting Horizonal to -90 and Verticat to +10 did the trick.
Thanks DisplayFusion - good support.
Nov 1, 2022  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the kind words! We'll have a built-in adjustment for this in one of the next couple of betas as well so that you won't need the compatibility rule in the future :)
Nov 4, 2022  • #4
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20 discussion posts
While this works in the interim, if I have 7 or more tabs, the icon disappears. Looking forward to the permanent fix in a future release!
Nov 13, 2022  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@tuftsanti: We hide the buttons by default on the maximized window if there are too many tabs open, and they cover up the tabs. However, you can disable that behaviour by enabling the following option in the DisplayFusion Settings > Advanced Settings window: TitleBar Buttons: Don't Hide for Top-Tab Web Browsers.
Nov 15, 2022  • #6
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
This issue should be fixed up in the latest beta, available here: Please let me know if you still run into any trouble after updating.

Dec 1, 2022  • #7
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20 discussion posts
This issue should be fixed up in the latest beta, available here: Please let me know if you still run into any trouble after updating.


Yup seems fixed in latest beta, thanks for the continued support!
Dec 2, 2022  • #8
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