2 discussion posts
During fullscreen games the taskbar on my secondary monitor flickers. I've tried using compatibility settings, I've tried with both, the option for reloading during full screen checked and unchecked with no success.
In the Settings > Advanced Settings window, if you enable the "Ignore Full Screen Windows" option, does that make any difference?

2 discussion posts
This seems to have resolved the issue.
Many thanks for the quick solve
No worries, glad to hear it!

16 discussion posts
Hi, for me it still flickers if I don't use "Ignore Full Screen Windows", with it i get a Taskbar on the game screen, which i don't want. Game runs with compatibility settings.
Is there a fix for this?
Aug 16, 2020 (modified Aug 16, 2020)
@Kurt28: Which monitor is the taskbar flickering on? The monitor that the game is running on?

16 discussion posts
I have three monitors, Left one has windows Taskbar.
Middle one is for games with DisplayFusion taskbar, but its set to disappear while games run.
Right one has again DisplayFusion taskbar which flickers, but only sometimes, and sometimes only the Start button.
After activating "Allow taskbar reloading while full screen applications are running" it got less frequent.

16 discussion posts
I could only reproduce the flickering of the Start button, which happens constantly.while playing World of Tanks. Doesn't happen with any other game.
Flickering of the taskbar doesn't seem to happen anymore.
The taskbar still appears sometimes on the game screen for a few seconds (not in this log), it is apparently connected to Windows notifications.
If I get any of these issues again I will send another log, but that could take some time.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [6,573,473 bytes]
Thanks! I'll pass the log over to our developers for review and we'll keep you posted on what we find out.

16 discussion posts
Sure, there you go.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionDebugInfo.zip [38,950 bytes]
Ok, thanks for trying that out! I'll keep testing here and see what I can find out.
Ok, I was able to reproduce this issue here as well and have added it to our list to fix up. We'll be sure to post an update if/when we're able to get it sorted out.

3 discussion posts
Hi! I also have the issue where the DisplayFusion taskbar is appearing and disappearing occasionally when having anything in fullscreen (games, videos, etc). I have a license key for Steam, how do I access the beta version there?
Nov 6, 2020 (modified Nov 6, 2020)

3 discussion posts
Again, I'm not sure how to update to the Beta when I have the license on Steam?
The link does not work, so not sure if you wanted me to do it here? https://www.displayfusion.com/Download/Beta

16 discussion posts
Hi again, the issue has bee completely fixed for me.
Thank you very much for the great support!
@xFayeFaye I don't know if its the same for the Steam version, but in the "normal" version go to Settings -> Options under "Update Check" enable "Check for new Beta ...".
@xFayeFaye: Kurt28 is correct, you can enable beta update checks on the Settings > Options tab, even with the Steam version.

3 discussion posts
I am on the beta and still having this issue. I have a full screen RDP taking over two monitors and the third monitor has a Display Fusion taskbar that flickers.
• Attachment [protected]: DebugInfo.txt [226,420 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusion.log [476,778 bytes]
@jaamulberry: From what I can see in the log, the RDP window is full screen on the left two monitors (3 and 1), and it's the taskbar on the right-most monitor (2) that's flickering, is that correct?

3 discussion posts
That's Correct. I've attached a screenshot of my display settings if that helps. I'm also on Beta 3

Screenshot 2021-01-18 125409.png
Jan 18, 2021 (modified Jan 18, 2021)
Ok, excellent! I'll re-test with that setup and see what I can find out.
Ok, I believe I was able to reproduce this here. My taskbar doesn't flicker, but I can see log entries about it being forced to the bottom, which can cause flickering on some systems. We'll have another look at it and let you know when we've gotten it fixed up.

3 discussion posts
I'm sure you're still working on it but in case the latest beta had some undocumented fixes. I just installed beta 6 and it's still an issue.
Feb 24, 2021 (modified Feb 24, 2021)

Adam Albee85992
2 discussion posts
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to reproduce the flickering. It randomly(?) stopped happening a few days after I made my intial post here so I'm going to assume at this point it was a fluke. If it happens again I'll make sure to record and a attach a debug log, apologies for the falseish alarm!
Sounds good, thanks for the update!

2 discussion posts
Hey Keith,
I stumbled upon this issue myself. I ran into another post of yours to address an issue I have with RDP sessions, wherein the DF taskbar overlays the RDP, hiding the session's taskbar and such. I was able to address this by creating a compatibility rule that forces it to treat the mstsc.exe instances as a fullscreen application.
However, as a result of this, it is causing my taskbars to flicker, namely my monitor 1 with monitor 2 sometimes doing it. Strangely, it only happens when the RDP window is not minimized to the taskbar.
I attached the debug log, per your instructions. I recreated it a few times with the most recent being around 11:09 AM Central, today, 10/10/23.
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionDebugInfo.zip [84,802 bytes]
@adaMATTium: The debug log shows that the RDP window is reporting itself as spanning all 3 monitors, so DF thinks it should force all of the taskbars to the bottom. Is the RDP window only on one monitor?
@adaMATTium: Ok, yep, I see the issue there. We have an idea on how to fix it, so we'll post an update if/when we're able to get a fix into a beta version.

3 discussion posts
I'm having an issue with my DF taskbars flickering when using VMware Horizon to connect to a remote VM. I tried the "Ignore Full Screen Windows" option which stopped the flickering but caused the DF taskbar to appear on top of my Horizon VM. Is there a fix for this?
@mrw1986: We've got this open on our list to look at for one of the next few betas. We will be sure to post an update in this thread when it's been fixed up.

2 discussion posts
Sorry to hijack this topic but it's been happening for me as well, the flickering. Ever since I've tried to fix the issue of DF taskbar being shown when there's a fullscreen like Youtube video on Chrome. I tried to Disable the option for "Show taskbar in front of full screen applications when they lose focus" and it did fix that, but the flickering has started ever since and no matter what I change I can't seem to fix it, it does go away for a while after reboot but it comes back.
Monitor setup (2 monitors, right monitor is primary, left monitor is secondary)
Monitor with DF taskbar (left monitor, secondary)
Monitor with Windows taskbar (right monitor, primary)
Taskbar that flickers is the DF taskbar on the left monitor. Please help....

24 discussion posts
Same after updating to 11.0 Beta

24 discussion posts
Just started happening again while firefox is running with youtube, log attached
• Attachment [protected]: DisplayFusionDebugInfo.zip [55,731 bytes]
@Trevor3872: Thanks for sending over the debug log. Was the full screen Firefox video on the same monitor as the DisplayFusion taskbar?