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Ken Nischan
14 discussion posts
Hi. I was wondering if DF has the ability to force certain windows to specific LCDs/states. I have six LCDs, and one of them is in portrait configuration to allow for easy reading of comics online. I currently use Chrome as my primary browser but have Firefox just for comics so I can hit the Firefox logo and it opens maximized automatically on the portrait LCD. I'd like to ditch FF and just run Chrome for everything, but Chrome insists on opening on the last used LCD so if I drag it to portrait, the next I go to surf the net it opens there.

I saw window position profiles, is that something meant for this? I was a bit confused at how it works though. I hit New Profile and saw it had a bunch of windows with checked checkboxes. I only want Chrome to move, and only if it's the right Chrome instance. I figured I could make a shortcut for Chrome to open my comic tracking page automatically and have that window title be the trigger, or if that doesn't work I could just copy Chrome to another folder and use that specific EXE as the trigger but I can't figure out how to make this work.

Assuming this is the right tool in the first place, I've no idea... it just sounds like what I need by the name. Will this work for what I want to do?


PS: Another possibility would be for me to use my macro program to keep an eye out for the title of my comic manager then use a hotkey combo to move the window to that monitor. Problem is I see a lot of hotkey options for movement between monitors, but they're all relative (like move to primary, move to next, etc) nothing like move to LCD 4. Is that possible? Ideally, I'd prefer the detect-program method, but if I can make it work with a hotkey that'd be OK too.
Aug 2, 2021 (modified Aug 2, 2021)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Ken,

It doesn't sound like Window Position Profiles are what you're looking for here. Are you wanting to move chrome windows to specific monitors, based on what site they are opened to?

Aug 4, 2021  • #2
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