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2 discussion posts
Hey everyone,

I know that you can set a certain app/window to a certain monitor, but I was wondering if you can set a certain window to a secondary monitor? It's a weird situation but I'll try to explain it as easily as possible.

I have an app, running under one process on task manager. It has two windows, one's a main window and the second one is a "status" window which is a full-screen window (no minimize/restore/exit buttons on top-right).

Normally the status window shows on my smaller monitor, and the main window on my normal monitor. However I also have a VGA switch which switches my second monitor to my laptop. This of course, tells my main PC that the second monitor got disconnected and moves all my windows over to monitor 1, including the status window. Now when I switch back to my main PC on the VGA switch everything works fine, except the "status" window is stuck on monitor 1, even though monitor 2 is back. Is there a way to change certain processes. I can't Win+Arrow move the screen around either, else I would just do that since it is a trivial thing to do.

Any help would be awesome!

Details: App runs as a single process (single exe) but shows up as two separate applications with different names under task manager.


I just made a custom profile where I can press a key combination and the active window gets sent to the next monitor. This seems to work! Kinda weird that the normal win+arrow combo doesn't work but this combo does.

Would love to be able to automate it, but I'll work on that later.
Feb 28, 2016 (modified Feb 28, 2016)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Could you tell me the process name, and the window title of the window you want moved? You should actually be able to automate this using a Scripted Function and the Triggers feature in the latest DisplayFusion beta.
Feb 29, 2016  • #2
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2 discussion posts
Hi Keith,

Thank you for your help with this!

The process is called POS.exe, which has two app windows. One is called "Microsoft Dynamics POS", and the other which I want to auto-move to the second screen is called "Net Display".

One of the issues I had with my previous workaround which I mentioned in the first post, is that any new pop-ups within the "Microsoft Dynamics POS" window, such as confirmation windows/messages/help popups, keep getting sent to my second monitor.

Feb 29, 2016  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Awesome, thanks! Ok, give this a try:
  • Update to the latest beta:
  • Save your monitor layout as a Monitor Profile:
  • On the Settings > Triggers tab, add a new rule
  • For the Event, choose "Monitor Profile Changed"
  • In the Match Conditions, enable the Monitor Profile checkbox, and choose your Monitor Profile
  • In the Actions, click Add > New Scripted Function
  • Paste in the code from the attached text file
  • Click OK to save the Scripted Function (can be edited later on the Settings > Functions tab)
  • Click OK again to save the Trigger
  • Try switching and see how it works, when switching back, it should detect the Monitor Profile, and automatically run that Scripted Function to move the Net Display window back :)
• Attachment: Move Net Display Window to Monitor 2.txt [291 bytes]
Feb 29, 2016  • #4
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