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2 discussion posts
Hi, I'm loving DisplayFusion so far but this is bugging me a little bit. I have a new monitor as my primary and I've relegated my trusty old Dell 2405FPW to a portrait secondary beside it. I've created two virtual desktops on this monitor (both 1200x960) and I'd like to run a Vbox VM in each one. Full screen, as in, with no window borders or toolbars or what have you. When I fullscreen them at the moment (as in, right-ctrl + f, not just maximizing) they take up the entire screen, not just the virtual desktop space. Is this a DisplayFusion thing or a Vbox thing or a thing that's not fixable?

Mar 10, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately it's a thing that's not fixable. VirtualBox (and other full screen rednerers) don't know about the DisplayFusion splits, and they output directly to the full size of the monitor. DisplayFusion isn't able to hook them and trick them into the smaller size like it can with normal maximizing.

One thing you could try, is the "Remove Borders and Caption From Window" scripted function. On the Settings > Functions tab, click "Download Scripted," grab the one with that name, and give it a key combination. Then size your VirtualBox VM the way you want it, and try running that function on it. I'm not sure if it will work on the VirtualBox window, but it's worth a try :)

Mar 10, 2015  • #2
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2 discussion posts
Thanks for the tip, Vbox completely ignored the function though. :) No matter, I just thought I could save a bit of desktop space (and let's be honest it would've looked cool).
Mar 10, 2015  • #3
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