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421 discussion posts
(I am posting this info because it appears the DF 10.1.x installer may be a bit buggy. Other users may wish to check their Control Panel>Programs and Features to see if they have a similiar installation issue.)

I am running Windows 10x64 Pro and Windows 11x64 Pro systems. (Latest MS versions installed)

In examining Control Panel>Programs and Features on my Windows 10 system, I found the last beta version of DF installed in Program Files (x86) and DF 10.1.2 x64 installed in Program Files. Each installation was 200+ mbytes in size. I typically let DF update itself when a new version (beta also) is released. I've just always assumed that the DF installer will overwrite the previous installation. The version that appeared to be actually running was DF10.1.2 x64.

In order to get rid of the installed beta version, I had to uninstall it via Control Panel>Programs and Features>Uninstall (retaining the settings). I then uninstalled DF 10.1.2. I re-installed DF 10.1.2. The installer placed it in C:\Program Files as a 64-bit program installation. The settings were properly picked up and restored.

I did not find multiple copies of DF on my Windows 11 system. However DF 10.1.2 was installed in Program Files (x86), I uninstalled it (saving the settings) and re-installed it. The installer placed it in C:\Program Files as a 64-bit installation.

JFI and moderator feedback ;)
ASUS home built Pc on Windows 10 x64 Pro with 3 Dell U2719D monitors. Dell XPS 8940SE on Windows 11x64 Pro with 2 Dell U2719D monitors.
Oct 22, 2023  • #1
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