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Rainer Bielefeld1
13 discussion posts

I have created a Custom Function (Function.WhatIWant.jpg) and assigned this Function to a Trigger (Task.jpg).
If I open the window (Handle) the Trigger fires but the result is not as expected.
The window gets resized and moved but with a wrong value for Width - see Function.WhatIGet.jpg.

Best regards

• Attachment [protected]: Function.WhatIGet.jpg [49,259 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Function.WhatIWant.jpg [49,155 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Task.jpg [62,491 bytes]
Oct 5, 2022  • #1
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Rainer Bielefeld1
13 discussion posts
To be clear the values in the screenshot Function.WhatIGet.jpg are the values I get after dragging the "target" symbol over the moved and resized window.
Oct 5, 2022  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Are you able to manually resize the window width to smaller than that? I'm wondering if the window has a minimum width set.
Oct 5, 2022  • #3
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Rainer Bielefeld1
13 discussion posts
Yes, I'm able to manually resize the window but your idea was correct.
As you can see in the Task.jpg it's Windows Shell window (cmd.exe).
I'm starting the Windows Shell through a Shortcut I put on my desktop.
I had to change the Window Width on the Layout Tab for this Shortcut from 120 to 103
to fix the problem - see Handle.Properties.jpg (original width was 120).
Funnily enough I don't need t0 change the Height. Windows allows DisplayFusion
to change this value for the window.

Problem solved, thanks.
• Attachment [protected]: Handle.Properties.jpg [27,490 bytes]
Oct 6, 2022  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, glad to hear that worked out!
Oct 6, 2022  • #5
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