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Andrew Wells77666
7 discussion posts
I've been digging through the function interface in displayfusion and I haven't figured out a way to accomplish this yet, so I thought I'd ask here.

My goal is to have a hotkey that can swap the contents of two monitors. Ideally the relative position of the windows (maximized, minimized, left side snap etc.) could me maintained.

The result would be similar to jumping between virtual desktops, but while keeping everything I'm working on in my peripheral until I need to interact with it. My old eyes sometimes need to zoom in for smaller graphs/figures but this isn't always necessary.

As far as a use case: being able to keep an eye on background tasks such as compiling or rendering and quickly jump to that workflow when it's ready. This starts to make sense if you have one 'good' monitor and several smaller / lower resolution peripheral screens.

I've looked into having a windowed preview of the active screens on virtual desktops but didn't see any existing solutions. If anybody knows of an existing solution I'd be all about it. Since you can get a preview in the win+tab screen it certainly seems possible.
Feb 12, 2022  • #1
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Andrew Wells77666
7 discussion posts
After exploring the pre-made scripted functions I found several scripts that list exactly the functionality I'm looking for. All good 👍
Feb 12, 2022  • #2
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