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1 discussion post
On a previous version of Display Fusion, (I don't remember which), the PWD (Prevent Window Deactivation) function allowed me to keep the game in focus and allowed controller inputs to interact with the game while alt-tabbed to another window on a different monitor.
Keyboard and mouse inputs were still registered by the selected window, which made the PWD function a bit inconvenient, unless the game rejected keyboard and mouse inputs, while registering controller inputs.
Games that do that, yet do not support Borderless Window mode is where the PWD function comes in handy.
After performing a clean install of Windows and installing the latest version of Display Fusion Pro on Steam 10.0 (Beta 21), the PWD function no longer performs the same as it used to.
It maintains focus for games, windows, and everything else, as intended, but shows no effect when used on Genshin Impact.
It no longer permits any keyboard, mouse, and controller inputs to go through the selected game while alt-tabbed to another window.
Tested toggling the "Force Old Window Focus Method" and saw no changes.
Feb 24, 2023 (modified Feb 24, 2023)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Unfortunately many only games that have anti cheat software will block our hooks, which prevent this function from working. If it's working on other games but not Genshin Impact, which looks like it does use an anti-cheat sofware, there isn't much we can do :(
Mar 1, 2023  • #2
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1 discussion post
Hi,I had the same issue and figured it out. Use version 9.7.1 it works with genshin on that version.
Aug 26, 2023  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We fixed up an issue related to Genshin in our latest beta that might fix this, you can grab it here:
Aug 28, 2023  • #4
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