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2 discussion posts
Since I've installed DisplayFusion on my laptop I have noticed that my powerpoint frequently shows "garbled text". Input screens (from font type to column width to save file dialog boxes) garble up the text, witness the example below.

I've recently done a fresh image on my laptop and reinstalled the software one by one with a few days in between and after having installed DF the garbled text shows up again.

Has anyone else seen this and/or does anyone know a fix for it?

Dec 14, 2009  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
If you exit DisplayFusion is the text still garbled? I can't imagine how DisplayFusion could be affecting the text, and this is the first instance reported like this. Does it happen in all applications, or just PowerPoint?
Dec 14, 2009  • #2
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2 discussion posts
Yes it is still garbled when exiting DF. And it's mainly in Powerpoint, although I've also seen it once or twice in Excel but that's rarer.

Yesterday I uninstalled DF from my laptop and even after a fresh reboot it still has garbled text. Does DF leave behind any files, registry keys or anything else after an uninstall? And does it touch any of the fonts on the computer? My IT department has the hunch that it could be the fonts creating this problem.

btw, I was working with ver 3.1.5
Dec 15, 2009  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
DisplayFusion doesn't install any system files, it doesn't register any files with the system (like COM objects, fonts... etc) and an uninstall wipes it out completely. If the problem still exists after DisplayFusion exits, it really sounds like another application might be causing the problem. :(
Dec 21, 2009  • #4
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
In an effort to cleanup the DisplayFusion forum, this topic is being locked and archived because it applies to an older version of DisplayFusion. If you are using the latest version of DisplayFusion and would still like some assistance, please create a new topic and I'll be happy to help you out. There are also beta versions available for testing the latest features and bug fixes:

Thanks! :)
Apr 13, 2010  • #5
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