Ok I tried it again but it doesn't work for my eyefinity profile. I'll give you a quick overview about my ATI profiles, just to make sure if I am missing something or if it is a bug / not possible:
1. Office, 3 seperate Desktops, each 1280x1024, Wallpaper profil changes automaticly
2. TV, 3 seperate Desktops, 2 at 1280x1024 + 1 at 1920x1080, Wallpaper profil changes automaticly
3. Gaming, Eyefinity 1 Desktop at 3840x1024, Wallpaper profile does not change, stays at the last used profile
each setup is recognized in the Monitor setup (message "profil xxx detected", after switching) and each has a wallpaper profil assigned but the eyefinity one does not switch when changing to that ATI profil... ;(
Ok just noticed something strange, when I "enter" my Eyefinity Profil, the monitor section looks like this
Then after I saved the profile the monitors (numbers) changed
And apparently this also changes everytime I enter my eyefinity profil, so maybe the Eyefinity profile is simply not detected correctly and therefore not recognized and there is no reason to change the wallpaper profile (for Displayfusion atleast

Shouldn't it simply show one big screen instead of the 3? My fear is that eyefinity is the problem here... ;(