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49 discussion posts
I set hotkeys in monitor profiles, alt-ctrl-num1/num2 for 2 profiles. When DF settings are open, they work, but when I close DF, they don't work. Also in the main hotkey listing, the monitor profiles are listed but had no hotkey. So I set the hotkey, thinking it would error due to those keys being set already, but it did not. And this did not resolve the issue. I tested to see if having DF open but not in focus would work, it did, and when closed it failed yet again. But then I came here to post and did the same process now the issue is gone.... it did this through reboots and windows updates and the only change I made was to open this page and search and then type.... very strange timing it fixes itself just now...

I setup the keys to fix the taskbar. When I use this monitor with the other PC, then switch it back to here, all open windows think the left edge of the screen is 0, but I have the taskbar on the left, so it is like 200 or something. So every window maximizes where the right side is not all the way over to the right, like maybe it thinks the task bar is there. The things that helped others did not help with my issue. I guessed at using the monitor config to fix this and it worked. I saved my layout as "works" and then checked 'window management' and I split one of the monitors, and then saved as 'fixer' So I just change to fixer, then change back to works, and it works.

Note that the taskbar issue only happens on the windows taskbar, not the display fusion one. Also, it happens every single time, and has done so for several weeks. For a year+ before, it never did this. I dunno if its DF causing the issue, maybe not, I really started to post here due to the hot key thing, but if this is a known issue or someone has an idea, that would be great.
Dec 28, 2014  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Windows does some screwy things with open windows when monitors are connected/disconnected, and depending on your monitor configuration, these can be exaggerated because the DisplayFusion taskbar affects the work area. An easier workaround may be to use the "Save Window Positions" Function (assign a hotkey to it in the Settings) before disconnecting the monitor, then run the "Restore Window Positions" Function again after re-connecting the monitor :)

Regarding your Monitor Profiles hotkeys issue, did you have the Settings window and the Manage Monitor Profiles window open at the same time? If so, setting the hotkeys in one of the windows, then closing it and closing the other window after would cause this issue, as the other window wouldn't get updated, and would overwrite the settings when closed.
Dec 31, 2014  • #2
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