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14 discussion posts
On a 4K display, the Scripted Function Editor font size is too small for me to read. How can I scale up or enlarge this font? (Mouse wheel does nothing and changing UI fonts does not help).
May 27, 2022  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
You can increase the scaling in the Windows Display Settings, and it should make that font bigger.

Hope that helps!
May 27, 2022  • #2
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14 discussion posts
Thank you, but in my case, Display Scaling (which requires a Display Fusion Restart to take affect), affects the entire windows 11 environment. I only want to change the Scripted Function editor text. Perhaps this can be added to a future release of Display Fusion.
May 31, 2022  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
There isn't currently a way to change the font size in only the Scripted Function editor. I've added this to our feature request list for a future update.

Jun 2, 2022  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Quick question here, is the font in the rest of DisplayFusion a good size? (e.g. the Settings window)
Mar 23, 2023  • #5
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14 discussion posts
The fonts for the Settings window are also small (appearing to be around 7pt) on a 4K monitor.
Apr 16, 2023  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:
  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached
Apr 18, 2023  • #7
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5 discussion posts
I have the opposite problem; there is barely any room for text at 1920x1200.
Any progress on this? While I understand that the priority surely is low, it should not be a difficult or time consuming feature to add. If so, may I ask for a brief explaination why?

Might the root cause be that the text editor for macros you are using is not developed in-house but a third-party component or similar. Because that would explain why a seemingly trivial implementation might in fact be a nightmare, and I would not be judging you for the approach.
Even though it leaves a lot to be desired I understand that it might not be worth the time and effort to make your own from scratch untils there is some spare time to allocate (and having worked in the field for close to 20 years myself I am fully aware that the phrase "spare time" could be a foreing concept)

If the is indeed the case, is it possible to get some info regarding it?
There might be some way to fix that for myself in some horribly messy way not suitable for prod but enough to solve it locally.

Because while I have been using Binary Fortress products for more than a decade I have never ever even come close to finalizing a macro; while the syntax is kind of standard I have no knowledge in whatever language is used and it is not feasible to have to copy & paste between my IDE and *Fusion every half-dozen rows to check for errors and find functions, back and forth. It is not feasible having to change display scaling - and even if I was prepared to do so Citrix goes insane if I so much look at the DPI settings.

I really like your stuff, that's why I am still using it of course. While the list of problems is very short the few that exist are pure rage fuel and this one takes second place on that list, the undefeated 1st place of course being the never ever getting fixed "I see that DisplayFusion is celebrating suddenly-use-at-least-25%-of-your-CPU-for-absolutely-no-reason-day again".

Sorry for the wall of text. I get extremely triggered by this, but I am posting because I really wish you would address this. I am certain that this is solvable; I know that you care about your users and if I didn't think so I would just uninstall everything and delete my account.

May 10, 2024 (modified May 10, 2024)  • #8
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We do use a third-party library for the code editor, but it should be possible to change the font size. It's open on our list but we get new feature requests and bug reports daily, and the list is very long, so we have to prioritize them based on a number of factors. I've added your vote to this one though!

If you're still running into CPU usage issues with the latest beta, please send us a support request through Help > Support Request so that we can look into that further as well.

May 13, 2024  • #9
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