1 discussion post
I have 3 monitors and can only get two to work at any one time. They are 1 VGA, 1 DVI and 1 HDMI. They all work as a set up of two but I cannot get all three to work together.
Does anybody have any ideas ?
DisplayFusion will only support as many monitors as your computer can output to, but I'll see if I can provide some advice anyhow. Is your system a laptop or a desktop?
Some laptops can only output to two displays at a time, even if they have more than two outputs.
If it's a desktop, do you have one video card with all of those outputs? Or are you running two video cards?

51 discussion posts
From what you're saying you can get any combination of two working at the same time, so it definitely looks like the card/motherboard doesn't support all three.
From memory most AMD motherboards don't allow output to both 'digital' outputs at the same time (certainly the case with the last AMD mobo I used). Intel boards for the i3/5 CPUs also have a two output max limitation.
I'd suspect that most non-high-end video cards would also have this limitation.
If it's a desktop a cheap $30 video card will give you a third desktop. Just make sure to buy something that uses the same drivers as your current card to keep things simple.
Windows XP doesn't support multiple video drivers. Windows 7 does and I believe Vista does too.
If you're on a laptop you can get USB-based video cards too.