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Cheradanine Zakalwe44459
11 discussion posts
I have lots of monitors;

I can sometimes use windows display manager thing and position them on the very corners which seems to stop the mouse moving to them, but sometimes it just stops working for one screen, and it's very hard to get the position 'right' so it works, is there an option somewhere in DF like "Lock mouse to one monitor" or something basic like that? Driving me nuts this.

I use an AutoHotkey script mapped to a side mouse button which jumps the mouse from my main screen to another I use which is great. (here's the script if anyone wants; ) save in a file.ahk to use with AHK.

Thank you.
22 days ago (modified 22 days ago)  • #1
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Cheradanine Zakalwe44459
11 discussion posts
I found this small executable that runs in the background which locks the mouse to any full-screen applications (games). It works great so I've set a scheduled task in windows to autorun it. I need something for when I'm not gaming though..
21 days ago (modified 21 days ago)  • #2
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Cheradanine Zakalwe44459
11 discussion posts
Related question:
When moving windows with DF like this, what do the two different coordinate outputs mean, and for example on this one:

When I right click the window and 'set location' I get;

Where's the 0 x 13 setting? If I could manually adjust that to 0 x 0 it would be perfectly on the corner, but it's almost impossible when dealing with such large numbers using a very smalle in scale movement system with snapping edges.. I was hoping that would be a way to get them perfectly aligned on the corners to stop mouse movement to them.

(Also, guys, {img} ([ ]) tags to insert images doesn't work. I see nothing after posting so I just made them links.
21 days ago (modified 17 days ago)  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We don't support constraining the mouse to specific monitors, but we do have this on our feature request list.

Those coordinates are the position of the top left/bottom right of your monitor, relative to the 0,0 location (top left) of your primary monitor. We have a feature request open to specify the coordinates as well, rather then a drag and drop.

20 days ago  • #4
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Cheradanine Zakalwe44459
11 discussion posts
but we do have this on our feature request list.

We have a feature request open to specify the coordinates as well, rather then a drag and drop.

Great to know thanks. Both of them seem like quintessential functionality to me, especially the monitor one, since as far as I know there is no other monitor management software out there like DF, and DF is especially the kind of program you'd look for that feature in.
18 days ago  • #5
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