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35 discussion posts
I am working on a Windows 10 machine with 2 monitors. Recently I have started connecting to the machine with remote desktop from a laptop (single screen). The laptop has a smaller screen / lower resolution than either of my main monitors.

As a result, when I return to the main machine, all of my windows have moved to the first monitor, and often windows have shrunk as well.

Using display fusion 7.3.4 I have added two new title bar buttons, "Save Window Positions" and "Restore Window Positions From Last Save", since these sound like they will solve this problem.

During the week I did a couple of save window positions, and on both occasions I got a notification message saying that the window positions had been saved.

I then connected with remote desktop, rebooted the machine, installing a windows 10 update in the process, and did some jobs. When I returned to the machine I loaded programs, found them moved and resized, so pressed the restore window positions button, but nothing happened.

Am I missing something obvious here? Does the save and restore not work across a reboot? Could it be that only some windows are restored?

I am not seeing any obvious help on these commands, but this article indicates the functions do what I want them to do:

if I can just figure out how to use them correctly.
Feb 1, 2016  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
That's correct! The positions are not remembered across reboots, or when the open programs are closed/re-opened. This is due to the window positions being stored with the windows themselves, as there's no real way to identify a unique window other than its window handle, which changes when the window is destroyed and re-created.

I'd recommend creating Window Location rules for your programs in addition to using the Save/Restore Window Positions. The Window Location rules will setup their positions when they're first launched (or closed and re-launched), and the Save/Restore functions will help when they're left open but have shuffled around because of a monitor layout change.

Hope that makes sense!
Feb 2, 2016  • #2
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35 discussion posts
That makes sense, thank you :)

I was perhaps a little optimistic in hoping that Display Fusion could tackle all of this, since I was not sure how it would handle a different selection of open windows, but I wondered if you had found a magic answer.
Feb 4, 2016  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries, glad I could help clarify the functionality!
Feb 4, 2016  • #4
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