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5 discussion posts
Background: I use Ctrl-Alt-(number) combinations for specific window arrangements with my display. This is what it looks like (see the attachment).

This worked well until I installed the new Flight Simulator, which I use in windowed mode. I would like the hotkeys to not work when in that game, as there are some in-game functions that also map to those key combinations.

Is there a way to make DisplayFusion ignore either the function or the key combination? I suspect this can be done with compatibility settings, but don't know which to use.
• Attachment: oQyGZko[1].png [14,223 bytes]
Aug 20, 2020 (modified Aug 20, 2020)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
There actually isn't a compatibility option for disabling the key combinations, unfortunately.

However, you may be able to do what you're looking for by creating a couple of Trigger rules. One for when the Flight Simulator process starts, and another for when it ends.

I don't have Flight Simulator here for testing with, but I've attached screenshots of the Trigger rules I setup and tested with Notepad.

Hope that helps!
• Attachment: processcreated.png [70,790 bytes]
• Attachment: processended.png [67,107 bytes]
Aug 22, 2020  • #2
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3 discussion posts
I have a question about this as well. I had the same problem with full screen applications and I found the "Toggle Key Combinations" function.

I mapped it to Ctrl + F10 and it worked, it turned my functions off.

However, it doesn't turn them back on. And even after restarting my PC they're still turned off... How do I re-enable my key functions?

I'm using DisplayFusion 9.8
Aug 1, 2023  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
You can enable it via the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab, right underneath the "Custom Function" button.

Aug 1, 2023  • #4
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3 discussion posts
You can enable it via the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions tab, right underneath the "Custom Function" button.


Oh yes I see it 😅 thanks that helped.

However, I still have the issue that when I use the key combination Ctrl + F10 for "Toggle Key Combinations", it turns off the key combinations, but it doesn't turn them back on when I use it again! Now I need to go into settings and press apply to re-enable key combinations.

Perhaps it also turns off the key combination for toggling key combinations...? How is that supposed to work?
Aug 1, 2023  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Yeah when you toggle it, it will also disable the hotkey you are using to toggle. You can use a trigger event like in post #2, or you can add that function as a titlebar instead.
Aug 1, 2023  • #6
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3 discussion posts
Right. Okay thanks, I will investigate.
Aug 1, 2023  • #7
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