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3 discussion posts
Shortcuts aren't being shown on the taskbar of my secondary display - only the already opened programs?
Jul 30, 2017  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
At the moment, DisplayFusion doesn't automatically copy the pinned items from the Windows taskbar, but you can add them by doing the following:
  • Open a program and move it to the second monitor
  • Right-click its taskbar button and choose "Pin this program to taskbar"

Hope that helps!
Jul 31, 2017  • #2
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3 discussion posts
Why did it work before the last time I had it installed on Windows 10? Are we talking about the same thing here?
Jul 31, 2017  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Windows 10 has a built-in multi-monitor taskbar that does have a mode to duplicate all pinned and running buttons, maybe you were using the built-in taskbar previously?
Aug 1, 2017  • #4
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3 discussion posts
And what is it that I'm using now?
Aug 2, 2017  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
It would be the DisplayFusion Multi-Monitor Taskbar. It's got a few extra features over the Windows 10 multi-monitor taskbar (system tray icons, ability to customize more things by using the options in the right-click menu for the taskbar). But there are a few things that are missing as well (like the ability to duplicate the pinned buttons automatically). They are on our list though, so they will be added to our taskbar at some point :)

If you want to revert back to the Windows 10 multi-monitor taskbar for now, you can do the following:
  • On the DisplayFusion Settings > Taskbar tab, disable the "Enable multi-monitor taskbar" option and apply the settings.
  • Right-click the Windows taskbar and choose Settings
  • Enable the "Show taskbar on all displays" option
  • Choose "All taskbars" under the "Show taskbar buttons on" drop-down
Aug 2, 2017  • #6
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Robert Best52447
3 discussion posts
I will revert back to the windows taskbar until displayfusion dan duplicate all my pinned apps (make my taskbars identical)

Is there some way to be alerted when this feature is added? Any estimate on when it will be implemented?
Apr 21, 2018 (modified Apr 21, 2018)  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No ETA yet but we will definitely follow-up in this thread when it is implemented.
Apr 23, 2018  • #8
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9 discussion posts
any updates on this?

I use to work with several remote desktops at once
I need to see my taskbar icons in all monitors to get date, hour, status, etc...
That's why I prefer display fusion multi-monitor taskbar (windows 10 doesn't replicate but shortcuts)
If you can create the main taskbar in display fusion from the windows taskbar... why not copying all those buttons to all the other monitor's taskbars by default and then allow to modify it individually as it is right now.
Aug 2, 2018 (modified Aug 2, 2018)  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Cesar: Are you wanting to have all running buttons, pinned, or both? You can currently have all running buttons by changing the Taskbar Mode on the Settings > Taskbar tab to "All taskbars show all windows."

You can also manually add the pinned shortcuts by opening the program on the second monitor, right-clicking its running taskbar button and choosing "Pin this program to taskbar."

We are still planning to have a mode that will duplicate both pinned and running windows from the Windows taskbar, and we will update this thread when it's been implemented.

Aug 3, 2018  • #10
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9 discussion posts
hi Keith,
Thank you for your answer, but it's the second scenario then one I need to be automatic.
I can see the same icons both in windows & df main taskbar... all I need is the same in my other two monitors.
I understand I can add them one by one... but I've almost 60! and they change every month or so because of upgrades, demotes, etc...
As I use several remote desktops at once, I tend to loose taskbars in several monitors most of the time.
After each df update, I switch taskbars from windows to df, hopping this was finally solved (windows problem is near clock icons loosing).
This request is very old and I don't know why is so difficult to add a config option to copy all icons at once from your main taskbar to the other two.
Aug 3, 2018  • #11
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9 discussion posts
Finally, I decided to gave a try to your icons' manual insertion...
Now I understand why so many people are angry with you guys (see older posts about the same issue).
Keith, I'm almost sure you haven't done what you just suggested (adding 20+ icons to several monitors, in desired order).
Otherwise, you yourself would have added this functionality long time ago, with top priority to your change list!
It seems your programmer uses VGA monitors only.

This interface is winning the worst-interface contest yet!!!

* 3d monitor taskbar selection is a mess
* I've to open desired program | rightclick taskbar, click on multi-monitor taskbar | click on shortcuts | click on edit shortcuts | click on move up/dn & use vertical bar lot of times | then save | close... again and again... for every icon
* Ordering taskbar icons with mouse icon produces unpredictable results
* Dialog is really obscure
* Dialog is not resizable
* After the 9th icon, things got unbelievable worst (!)
* Not all windows-pinnable icons are pinnable to your taskbar
* I've to find & add custom icons for several programs, as your taskbar don't honor the right ones
* Pinned vs Opened icons are indistinguishable
* EVERY move up/down click resets the icons listbox to the FIRST one, so you've to use vertical bar all the time
* etc... etc... etc...

And all this... because for years you have not wanted to add a option to copy main taskbar setup to all the others with just one click? Come on, guys... this is not a "keep up the good work" approach.

As a programmer myself, I understand users aren't right all the time...
But I think this is not the case... just try by yourselves: 3+ monitors 30+ icons
Aug 6, 2018  • #12
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for the feedback, I will definitely pass it along, I do agree that adding that many icons would be time consuming!
Aug 9, 2018  • #13
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7 discussion posts
Any update to this? I agree this is a much-needed feature.
Mar 18, 2019  • #14
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Jared Pittman368323
1 discussion post
+1. Realized after reinstalling Win10 + DisplayFusion again here recently that I also have not been using DF's taskbar due to the pinned icons not showing on the DF taskbars automatically
Mar 19, 2019  • #15
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Still planned but no ETA, sorry.
Mar 20, 2019  • #16
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4 discussion posts
MUCH needed update. I just stumbled upon display fusion and this was the first thing catching my eye. Will add them manually for now but Id really love to see this implemented soon.
Mar 22, 2019  • #17
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2 discussion posts
Hi, new DisplayFusion user since the arrival of my new 34" wide screen. This feature is much much needed. Only preparing this forum post and looking up a password in a different program, I hit this limitation twice! Thanks in advance to prioritize this over other less-needed functions. Enjoy the last weeks of the year !
Dec 22, 2019  • #18
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1 discussion post
Hi, any update on this as yet?
May 18, 2020  • #19
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
None yet, sorry!
May 20, 2020  • #20
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1 discussion post
Installed DisplayFusion and I love many of its features, especially when I move around and use different monitor profiles - nice work!

Using the pinned taskbar apps is crucial to my workflow and to make me more productive.

I also reverted back to the windows taskbar until DisplayFusion duplicates all my pinned apps and makes my taskbars identical.

Please prioritize this feature, it's the one disapointment I've had using DisplayFusion.
Jun 19, 2020  • #21
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Manuel Rozier de Linage
17 discussion posts

Keith, I'm almost sure you haven't done what you just suggested (adding 20+ icons to several monitors, in desired order).
Otherwise, you yourself would have added this functionality long time ago, with top priority to your change list!

Hi, +1 for adding this strangely missing feature.

I just tried the workaround and it's not to bad as long has you have the option "All taskbars show all windows." before starting :
- be sure to have the "All taskbars show all windows." setting on.
- on your main taskbar start each program from left to right (wait for each program icon to display on extra monitors). when all programs are launched on each extra monitor pin everything.
In such way it is not too painfull to keep correct order and no need to move any window across monitors.
Nov 27, 2020  • #22
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1 discussion post

Keith, I'm almost sure you haven't done what you just suggested (adding 20+ icons to several monitors, in desired order).
Otherwise, you yourself would have added this functionality long time ago, with top priority to your change list!

Hi, +1 for adding this strangely missing feature.

I just tried the workaround and it's not to bad as long has you have the option "All taskbars show all windows." before starting :
- be sure to have the "All taskbars show all windows." setting on.
- on your main taskbar start each program from left to right (wait for each program icon to display on extra monitors). when all programs are launched on each extra monitor pin everything.
In such way it is not too painfull to keep correct order and no need to move any window across monitors.

Adding another +1 to this feature request for 2021.

Thank you for this workaround which fills the gap.
Jan 2, 2021  • #23
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Paul Johnson7
1 discussion post
Hi I too am waiting for this feature, but unfortunately I cannot apply the workaround in Windows 10. When I right click on any open applications on my second monitor's taskbar I have no options to pin it. The only items that appear are Restore, Move, Size, Minimize, Maximize, and Close. Is there another way to go about pinning it to the second monitor? It looks as if it isn't actually possible.

Display Fusion settings:
Enable Multi-Monitor Taskbars - Enabled
Taskbar Mode: All taskbars show all windows (I tried each option, they all appear the same

Windows Settings:
Show taskbar on all displays - Off

I am looking for any solution that allows me to copy both the system tray icons and the task bar items. My system tray icons are currently mirrored successfully.
Jan 26, 2021  • #24
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1 discussion post
How has this feature still not been implemented, like 5 years later?
This feature is clearly very important and highly requested.

Please get this working guys. It's the only thing that's made me stop using this program
Jan 22, 2022  • #25
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Brannen Taylor
1 discussion post
Came here looking to solve this. +1 for feature request.
Mar 11, 2022  • #26
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Vote added!
Mar 11, 2022  • #27
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T B89411
2 discussion posts
Why are pinned items not copied over? literally over 10 years since this topic was opened and you were working on it back then and still now?

What is this feature? adding the entirety of cyberpunk 2077 to our taskbar?????
Mar 21, 2022  • #28
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T B89411
2 discussion posts
At the moment, DisplayFusion doesn't automatically copy the pinned items from the Windows taskbar, but you can add them by doing the following:
  • Open a program and move it to the second monitor
  • Right-click its taskbar button and choose "Pin this program to taskbar"

Hope that helps!

It's been 5 years hello?

Other topics asking about this - has been 10 years since then

Mar 21, 2022  • #29
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Scott Gartner
6 discussion posts
Please add one more vote for this feature. I just built a new computer and I didn't realize how many features I had turned off in DF on my previous computer. The taskbar was one of them. It does so many cool things, but it needs just a few tweaks. Copying the pinned items (automatically would be my preference, but on request would be OK, too) is one that I would love to see.
Mar 22, 2022  • #30
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Daniel Trenzen
5 discussion posts
+1 more vote here...
I've been following this thread for a few years now.
The feature seems to have been planned for more than five years.
Why is it taking so long to develop, or what features are currently in development (slowing down the release of this feature)?
Apr 3, 2022  • #31
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

We still have this planned to add in, but no ETA due to things like bugs, code re-factors, and regressions taking priority over feature requests.

Votes added as well!

Apr 7, 2022 (modified Apr 7, 2022)  • #32
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3 discussion posts
Just found this thread looking for this much requested feature. Please provide an option where all pinned and running apps are duplicated across all task bars the same way Windows 10 allows to do today.
Oct 17, 2022  • #33
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1 discussion post
need this feacture!
Jan 27, 2023  • #34
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Mason Gareis90326
1 discussion post
This is a much needed feature!
Feb 3, 2023  • #35
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Votes added!
Feb 7, 2023  • #36
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Brian C1
8 discussion posts
I also am looking for this feature. With the larger monitors in use these days, it's a hassle if I'm working on the third monitor and have to move my mouse across three monitors just to get to the pinned items on my main taskbar.
Mar 4, 2023  • #37
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1 discussion post
Yes please - this! Gives me RSI having to constantly span 3 x 27 just to click a shortcut.
May 9, 2023  • #38
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Daniel Trenzen
5 discussion posts
DisplayFusion 10.1.2 is now available for download.
Do you now have an ETA since six years? Were waiting.
Oct 16, 2023  • #39
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
With the release of Windows 11, we aren't able to read the info from the Windows taskbar. We'll keep this open on our list in case it changes in the future, but at the moment it's not currently possible.
Oct 20, 2023  • #40
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