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11 discussion posts
Hi, got a little bit of a complicated question please. Am on W10 with a 1080 monitor (primary) & an 85" 4K TV (extended). I am using Open-Shell as a W10 Start Menu replacement app.

- When I have W10 "Show taskbar on all displays" off and use DisplayFusion's own "Taskbar Mode; All taskbars show on all windows" it's nice that I have system tray icons but Open-Shell's Start Menu comes up really small, way too small to be actually usable.

~On the flip side~

- When I have W10 "Show taskbar on all displays" on and DisplayFusion's own "Taskbar Mode" off, the Open-Shell Start Menu is now larger and readable on the secondary 4K display but now all my system tray icons disappeared ugh

So please, how do I get both? On the extended 4K secondary display I would like both the system tray icons but I also want Open-Shell Start Menu to be of a decent size so it's actually readable. Is there a way for this please?

If not, can you please recommend a W10 Start Menu replacement app that would be of bigger size on the 4K TV that works well with DisplayFusion's own taskbar mode? I was looking at StartBack but figured I would ask you guys first which I should use. Thanks :-)
Oct 23, 2023 (modified Oct 23, 2023)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:

  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached
Oct 23, 2023  • #2
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11 discussion posts
Hi, I am not troubeshooting anything so let me rephrase my question :

I have DisplayFusion's Taskbar setting set to "Taskbar Mode; All taskbars show on all windows" but unfortunately my Alternate Start Menu (Open-Shell) is too small to see on my 85" 4K secondary extended display as it's not being upscaled 200% which is what I have W10 set to scale at on the 85". Is there an advanced setting somewhere in DisplayFusion that can make the OpenShell Start Menu open bigger (say 200%) only on my extended display so I can actually see it and thus use it? Thanks

If this is not possible with Open-Shell is there another different Alternate Start Menu that would allow me to do this?
Oct 24, 2023 (modified Oct 24, 2023)  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
The start menu should be scaling automatically, if you send over your troubleshooting info we can take a look into it and see if we can fix it.

Other common apps we see are Start11, and StartAllBack
Oct 25, 2023  • #4
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11 discussion posts
Okay, I understand now... sorry about that. Okay so I did the Troubelshooting export to file as you asked and attached it here (Small Open-Shell And I also took pictures of how Open Shell looks on my 85" 4K Secondary Extended Display with DisplayFusion's taskbar and then another with only W10's taskbar.

As you can see, the OpenShell Start Menu with DisplayFusion taskbar is smaller and cutting off the bottom of OpenShell's expanded menu. There should be four items expanded while it only shows two. And with W10's taskbar it is bigger and the bottom is not cutoff, it shows the proper expanded menu four items. Shouldn't both start menus look the same (be the same size) regardless of whether DF Taskbar or W10 Taskbar is used? Thanks for looking into this and let me know what else you need...
• Attachment: DF Taskbar.jpg [1,914,472 bytes]
DF Taskbar.jpg
DF Taskbar.jpg
• Attachment: Small Open-Shell [70,380 bytes]
• Attachment: Win10 Taskbar.jpg [3,325,155 bytes]
Win10 Taskbar.jpg
Win10 Taskbar.jpg
Oct 26, 2023 (modified Oct 26, 2023)  • #5
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for sending that over, we'll take a look into it and see what we can find.
Oct 27, 2023  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We were able to reproduce this here, but unfortunately it's not something we can fix. To open the Open Shell menu we have to open it on the primary monitor, then move it, so it will always use the scaling level of the primary monitor. We're not able to make it open directly on the second monitor :(
Oct 31, 2023  • #7
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