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2 discussion posts
Alright so, I never realized this issue existed until I hooked up a 5th monitor. Let me try to explain what I'm trying to accomplish best that I can:
Below is what my current display setup looks like after adding monitor 4

As you can see, there is a gap between #2 and #4. IRL, #4 is right on top of #2, (which is my primary/default display.)

Issue: In order to get my cursor over to monitor 4 from monitor 2, I need to go THROUGH monitor 3 to get there (see blue line path) which is extremely annoying. But if there is a gap in the arrange displays setting page in win10, that gap is treated as a barrier and you can't pass your mouse from border to border of another monitor.

I have tried it this way, but then in order to get t monitor 3.... I have the same issue and need to move THROUGH monitor 4 to get there from 2.

I would like to split off the top of monitor 3 and move it out of the way so that it doesn't overlap monitor 4, and all borders touch each other, allowing my cursor to pass through from any edge. I don't care if that virtual display split from the top of monitor 3 means I can't move my mouse to monitor 4. I just need to be able to pass between 2 & 3, and 2 & 4 freely WITHOUT the cursor being offset when it enters the next display, which drives my OCD crazy.

How can I do this with DF? I read the docs but can't figure out where to even begin. I did manage to split off the top of monitor 3, but how can I take that and create a "virtual" 6th monitor, that I can separately adjust and move around in rearrange desktop displays?
Jan 20, 2022 (modified Jan 20, 2022)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

It doesn't look like your image got attached, but it sounds like your trying to move your mouse cursor across a monitor gap? If so, that's not something we support in DisplayFusion, but we do have it open as a feature request. I can add your vote to it if you would like, and we can let you know if we have any news on it going forward.

Jan 20, 2022  • #2
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2 discussion posts
It doesn't look like your image got attached, but it sounds like your trying to move your mouse cursor across a monitor gap? If so, that's not something we support in DisplayFusion, but we do have it open as a feature request. I can add your vote to it if you would like, and we can let you know if we have any news on it going forward.

Sorry, images should be viewable now. Please check it out! (attached images to this post if there are still issues viewing)

And not exactly, I know that passing the cursor through gaps is impossible, which is why I'd like to split off the top of monitor 3 (where it overlaps with monitor 4, see 3rd image) and push that virtual display off to the side, so it's not overlapping, but this will allow monitor 4 and 2 as well as 3 to be completely touching so that the cursor can pass between them.

So the question really is, when I split monitor 3 vertically into two parts, how can I 'detach" that top half of the virtual display, and drag it around as if it were monitor 6?
• Attachment: 1 - gap with 4.JPG [12,723 bytes]
1 - gap with 4.JPG
1 - gap with 4.JPG
• Attachment: 2 - gap with 3.JPG [13,407 bytes]
2 - gap with 3.JPG
2 - gap with 3.JPG
• Attachment: 3 - potential fix but overlap.JPG [12,544 bytes]
3 - potential fix but overlap.JPG
3 - potential fix but overlap.JPG
Jan 20, 2022 (modified Jan 20, 2022)  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Ah, thanks for clarifying. Unfortunately this isn't possible to do with DisplayFusion, and due to technical limitations, it's not something we'll likely add in the future.

Jan 21, 2022  • #4
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