Is there somewhere on DisplayFusion's web page
clear instructions how to install and uninstall DisplayFusion (DF)? I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (English).
There seems to be two packages to download: "Download without installer" and "Download MSI Installer". (MSI =

, Microsoft installer perhaps?)
These install and uninstall procedures might be clear to program developers and advanced users but I wouldn't mind clear step-by-step instructions!
It's somehow "funny" that people can develop these kind of nice programs, put up web pages for them and all that but then... where are all the basic instructions
I was able to install DF by following the step below:
1. Downloaded the
"Download without Installer" package to my hard disk.
2. Extracted the package to my hard disk in some temporary folder.
3. Moved the extracted DisplayFusion folder to
"C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion-3.1.6"
4. Ran
"DisplayFusion.exe" or
"DisplayFusionHookx86.exe" by double clicking it. I Can't remember which one I used anymore, because some days has passed after my installation and I was quite busy when installing.
5. DisplayFusion has been running since...
I thought installing DF without installer would require me to start it manually every time I boot up Windows. But DF starts automatically even though I didn't use any installer! Could you tell me how or why it starts every time I start Windows?
I couldn't find any shortcuts to DisplayFusion's .exe files in Windows' startup folders:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
DF is not listed in Control Panel's "Add and Remove Programs" dialog. So I probably could "uninstall" my copy by simply deleting the folder
"C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion-3.1.6".
But will the autostart of DF be left in my system somewhere, if I just delete the DF folder above?
I might some day want to remove DF COMPLETELY from my system.
So these are the questions I would like to have an answer to. In other words it would be nice if you:
1. Had step-by-step installation instructions to all packages available for download.
2. Had Step-by-step uninstallation instructions to all packages available for download.
(3. Wouldn't use too many shortenings like MSI, without explaining it first.

Thanks for anybody's help.