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PMad's profile on

I apologize if this is elsewhere in the forums here but I dont have much time and wanted to make sure that BFS is aware of the problem while its on my mind. I've attached a screenshot showing how text vanishes completely under the taskbar. I have a 3 monitor setup, this is happening on all 3.

I have an AMD video card and i've noticed many people talking about disabling some option to fix an issue with the taskbars, i dont think its related to this but AMD has a similar option in the Catalyst Control Center under the AMD Eyefinity Multi-Display menu, choosing the Position Windows Taskbar option and unchecking the box (its the only option) does the same fix allowing you to use multiple task bars.

It appears to me that the software is copying the portion of the screen where the taskbars go and painting buttons and everything on top of that image, so it appears transparent but it isnt. Is there a fix for this?
• Attachment [protected]: displayfusiontaskbar.jpg [39,954 bytes]
Apr 9, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
This happens with the Windows taskbar on the Primary monitor as well. The space is reserved for the taskbar, and Windows doesn't allow the icons to be rendered in that area, which is why you can only see the wallpaper there :)
Apr 9, 2015  • #2
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