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Peter Kronenberg37117
88 discussion posts
Running Windows 10 and DisplayFusion 10.1 Beta 3. I just noticed this problem a few days ago. I have a 48" monitor with 3 splits. The middle one is my main screen. Icons are not showing up in the task bar for the middle monitor. They are for the left and right monitor.

Here is a somewhat verbose video showing the problem.

One thing I forgot to show is that if you drag one of the windows to the left or right, the icon shows up. But if it's in the middle, it doesn't show up
May 17, 2023  • #1
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Peter Kronenberg37117
88 discussion posts
Never mind. I couldn't figure out how to delete this post. But turns out to be an interadction with Start11 that was causing the problem
May 17, 2023  • #2
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Ah interesting, we'll leave it up in case someone else comes across a similar problem :)
May 17, 2023  • #3
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Peter Kronenberg37117
88 discussion posts
Just some more information. I'm running Windows 10 but using Start11. Start11 was set to center the icons on the taskbar (like Windows 11) and that's what was causing the problem. Once I configured Start11 to move the icons to the left, it worked ok
May 17, 2023  • #4
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