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12 discussion posts
My standard arrangement is that all of my desktop icons are on screen #2. I have taskbar access on all screens.

Screens 1 and 2 are both LG 32GK650F-B 1440p 144hz displays.
Screen 3 is an Insignia 1080p television which I use to watch movies on.

Prior to installing DF, I did not have problems with the icons moving automatically to the primary screen, in two automatically arranged rows, whenever you right click the desktop and select refresh OR restart the system.

Primarily I was giving DF a second shot, after having tried it last year and moving on, to keep the desktop wallpaper on all three monitors from being constantly changed by Windows, and it does that just fine, but now my icons are all snapping to the primary monitor.

I'm willing to buy the paid version if we can guarantee that the icon profile feature will resolve this issue, but if I buy it, and it still does it, I'm not going to be particularly happy about it.

So, wondering if Keith or Owen have any feedback on this issue, or suggestions. Diagnostic info is attached.


Leonard Ratliff
Moderator - Tom's hardware
• Attachment [protected]: Displayfusion diagnostic info.txt [186,856 bytes]
Sep 8, 2020 (modified Sep 8, 2020)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

If you right click the desktop and head to the view tab, is "Auto Arrange Icons" enabled?

Sep 11, 2020  • #2
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12 discussion posts
No, it isn't. Align to grid and show desktop icons are, but Auto arrange is not enabled.

However, after uninstalling DF and restarting, then reinstalling, the problem seems to be gone, so IDWTF what going on with that but it isn't doing it now so no news is good news I guess. Thanks for the reply though Owen.
Sep 13, 2020  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

Interesting, if it comes back just let us know.

Sep 14, 2020  • #4
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12 discussion posts
I will. Thanks.
Sep 15, 2020  • #5
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wouter cools
42 discussion posts
I have this problem too.

Upon changing from one (multi-monitor) profile to another multi-monitor profile, the desktop icons move from the primary display to the secondary display.

Auto arrange icons is checked.
I'm not using desktop icon profiles.

It was never a problem, but this behavior started recently and I can't figure out what's causing it and how to solve it.

Thanks for any advice.
Aug 23, 2023  • #6
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Is your monitor profile changing the primary monitor?
Aug 23, 2023  • #7
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wouter cools
42 discussion posts
Is your monitor profile changing the primary monitor?

No, the profile stays correct.
The profile gets detected by Displayfusion (green box in upper left corner of the monitor configuration window) so no edits have been made.
Aug 23, 2023  • #8
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
I'm not too sure I understand. You mentioned the icons get moved when you switch monitor profiles. Are the profiles you're loading switching the primary monitor, or does the primary monitor stay the same among each profile?
Aug 23, 2023  • #9
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wouter cools
42 discussion posts
I'm not too sure I understand. You mentioned the icons get moved when you switch monitor profiles. Are the profiles you're loading switching the primary monitor, or does the primary monitor stay the same among each profile?

Good question. I did some tests.
switching between:

- dual-monitor profile on display A & B to dual-monitor profile on display A & B (reapply profile with hotkeys): icons stay on primary display
- dual-monitor profile on display A & B to dual-monitor profile on display C & D: icons move to non-primary display
- single monitor profile on display A to dual-monitor profile on display A & B (A is the primary display): icons move to non-primary display B
Aug 23, 2023  • #10
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Ah okay, this is likely just the way Windows is handling the monitor reconnects when switching the profiles. If you create a Desktop Icon Profile in DisplayFusion, you can attach it to your monitor profiles, and it will apply them after the montiors have been switched. That should fix this up.

Aug 24, 2023  • #11
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wouter cools
42 discussion posts
Ah okay, this is likely just the way Windows is handling the monitor reconnects when switching the profiles. If you create a Desktop Icon Profile in DisplayFusion, you can attach it to your monitor profiles, and it will apply them after the montiors have been switched. That should fix this up.


It fixes it temporarily... but not permanently

The moment you add a new icon to the desktop, it isn't included in the saved icon profile.
Upon switching profiles, all the icons that are included in the profile get moved to the primary display, but the icons that are not, stay on the secondary monitor.

Why has this become a problem?
It used to never do this behavior?
Aug 25, 2023 (modified Aug 25, 2023)  • #12
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