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1 discussion post

I have a problem where DisplayFusion doesn't show tab previews for IE 11 on the taskbar. I tried looking it up, and I read that this wasn't a feature in older versions of DisplayFusion, but I couldn't find any information regarding this feature for DisplayFusion 5. Is it unsupported, or am I just missing where to find the settings to turn on tab previews on the taskbar? It works on the regular Windows taskbar, so I know for sure it's enabled in IE!

Thanks for your help!
Nov 29, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Responded via email, but I'll post here as well for others. The DisplayFusion taskbar can't currently support multi-previews for tabbed windows, but it's on our list to fix up. If we're able to find a way to do it in a future version, we'll definitely get it fixed up.

Dec 3, 2013  • #2
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