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jack roberts1
6 discussion posts
When adding a folder to the desktop wallpaper section, an option to show all files within the added folder and not just the folder name. Then the ability to right click on a specific file and select show on "monitor id". This way i could add a folder and then find a specific file and show it on a specific monitor.

Adding a file list would improve the "show images in alphabetical order" function because then you could add columns for date and allow for the images to be moved in to a custom order etc. This would allow for several new "order" functions to be available, other than just random and alphabetical.

The ability to refresh an already added folder by clicking a refresh button of some kind, once adding a folder, any new images added to the folder will have to be rehashed by re-adding the folder. This is not the end of the world, but a refresh button would be ideal.

Finally an option to prevent the desktop wallpapers from rotating to the next image after clicking on the apply or ok buttons. This means that if i do select a specific image from the list for a specific monitor, when i do click ok, it does not change to the next one.
Aug 15, 2011 (modified Aug 15, 2011)  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I've added these to our feature request list for future consideration.

Aug 16, 2011  • #2
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