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Manuel Serrano34429
1 discussion post
Hello everybody,
I'm the IT Manager of a company and we have a big project coming soon for the schools. We want to provide 3 touch monitors to create an immersive setup.
We got an Intel NUC with 3 USB Touch, but we soon found that the native Intel function called "Combined desktop" or "Collage mode" doesn't work well with touch. Touch only works then monitors are extended, not combined.

So we need a function or a hotkey to switch between extended and combined desktop, but unfortunately the Intel Graphics Control Center doesn't allow any hotkey. Nvidia Surround should allow the switch via hotkey but we need something small like a NUC.
I saw that in the IGCL API there should be a function to switch it

Is it possible to add this feature? We are willing to pay for it because it's critical.

Thank you
Mar 21, 2023  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Manuel,

Unfortunately this isn't something we support with DisplayFusion, sorry!
Mar 21, 2023  • #2
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