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2 discussion posts
is there a way to trigger win+shift+Right when application launch?

i tried to add a custom rule, but it says it is windows shortcut and failed to add

win+shift+right is the only way i found to work with the specific app i am using, if i use the built in rule of display fusion(move to the next monitor and maximum the window) the application window only goes to the second monitor but maintain the same size of the app started on the primary monitor.
Jul 11, 2022  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
I've attached a script below that will send that key combination. You can import it via the DisplayFusion Settings > Functions > Scripted Function > Import Scripted Function.

Once you have it imported, you can create a trigger that uses the "Window Created" event, and then add your application to the "Process Filename" match condition. You can then run that script in the action pane. Depending on how long that window takes to fully load, you may want to add a "Wait" action, before you send the key combination.

Hope that helps!
• Attachment: Send Win+Shift+Right.dfscript [2,132 bytes]
Jul 11, 2022  • #2
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2 discussion posts
thanks a lot for your help
it works like a charm
Jul 12, 2022 (modified Jul 12, 2022)  • #3
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