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14 discussion posts
Hello everyone!
I'm having this weird issue, wondering if it's a known thing or not.

So, I'm making absolutely great use of DisplayFusion. I have 3 screens, 2 monitors and 1 TV. I've set up a "load profile on windows startup" so when I turn off my PC after gaming on the TV, the next boot will load the main monitors. So far, it works flawlessly!

The thing is, my second monitor is color-managed by windows, via .icc profile. And for some reason, when the main profile is loaded on startup, it resets the color managing to default. If I change profiles after windows is already booted DF doesn't interfere with the color profiles, but for some reason when it loads at startup it always resets the color profiling.

Is this a known thing? Is there a fix?
Debug log is attached. Thank you!
• Attachment [protected]: [27,714 bytes]
Aug 22, 2022  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
There's no code in DisplayFusion that sets the colour profile, so that's really strange! If you disable DisplayFusion from starting with Windows, is the colour profile still reset on reboot?
Aug 23, 2022  • #2
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14 discussion posts
There's no code in DisplayFusion that sets the colour profile, so that's really strange! If you disable DisplayFusion from starting with Windows, is the colour profile still reset on reboot?

Indeed! Anyway, nope! Disabling DisplayFusion from starting with windows doesn't affect the color profile. Neither that nor changing the DF Profile after proper boot.

Just posted this to let the devs know! Since it's something very specific, I didn't expect there to already be a solution.

Thanks Keith!
Aug 28, 2022  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Thanks for testing that out for me! How is the profile being loaded on startup? Via a Trigger rule?
Sep 6, 2022  • #4
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