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Rod M
33 discussion posts
I purchased the latest Kaspersky early this month and that was the beginning of 3 weeks of grief!
The installer got to around 80% and then ended with a "Failed to initialize Microsoft .Net Framework. Please Reinstall it" error.
I made the usual mistake - check M$ tech support for a sensible solution :laugh:
Run the .NET repair tool they said. Reinstalled NET core and desktop v4,5 and 6.
No fix.
OK - install later NET framework components v7 and v8. Nope, Kaspersky still isn't happy.
Time for tech support and 3 weeks of emails, suggestions, nonsense and log files later...
Their latest advice was that 3 environment variables were the issue:
DOTNET_GCName clrgc.dll
DOTNET_EnableWriteXorExecute 0
COMPlus_GCName clrgc.dll
I deleted those variables and Kapersky fired up!
I rebooted and COMPlus_GCName and DOTNET_EnableWriteXorExecute got reset into the environment each boot.
hmmm.. something's adding them each boot, and to cut a long story short, it's DisplayFusion.
(which I found out by sheer chance while trying to uninstall .NET v8 - locked by DisplayFusion. Ah ha!)
So...the question is - what do I do about this. DisplayFusion can't load with Windows, so what are the options/fixes? Can we stop DF from always adding these environment variables so it's not a constant issue?
Dec 23, 2023 (modified Dec 23, 2023)  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Rod, that's very strange for sure. What version of Windows are you using? I'll dig more into this and see why DisplayFusion is creating those variables. Thanks!
Dec 28, 2023  • #2
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Rod M
33 discussion posts
Win 7 x64
All running fine for days without DF running. As soon as I run it, those variables appear.
MAybe it's locking a .NET DLL or something that Kaspersky needs?
Dec 29, 2023  • #3
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
DisplayFusion needs to set those environment variables in Windows 7 in order to function correctly. .NET 7 isn't officially supported in Windows 7 unfortunately so you are likely to run into other issues in the future. I would recommend upgrading to Windows 10/11 if possible to keep getting updates for most software. Thanks!
Jan 1, 2024  • #4
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Rod M
33 discussion posts
I installed v7 and v8 .NET out of desperation, but as you say, they're not for W7, even though they don't check the OS, and I've since uninstalled them.
Yes, a new $4k pc with W10 or W11 would be nice; the reinstallation of 200 applications and configuring them wouldn't be. Nor would the W10 and especially W11 telemetry and other nonsense.
I'll look for other solutions or maybe switch to Actual Multiple Monitors.:o
Jan 2, 2024  • #5
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
That makes sense, another option is to use the older version of DisplayFusion that doesn't require .NET 7 or these environment variables:
Jan 2, 2024  • #6
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Rod M
33 discussion posts
I removed the current one and installed 10.1.1 as per you suggestion but it reinitialises the environment variables.

Edit: Ok, It's from v10 onwards for this issue.
I'm using 9.9 now and it's all fine, although the 2nd monitor has the clock and v9.7 doesn't.
Can the clock be disabled?
Jan 6, 2024 (modified Jan 6, 2024)  • #7
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
If you right click an empty spot on the taskbar, you can head to Multi-Monitor Taskbar > System Tray Clock > Disabled.
Jan 8, 2024  • #8
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