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Brandon Haymaker50951
2 discussion posts
Hello. Hopefully I might be able to get some help on this. I purchased a pro license with the sole purpose to use the Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Monitor feature for when I'm gaming (sometimes the mouse goes into the other monitor because I run borderless windowed.) However, after setting it up for hotkeys and activating it, it doesn't lock the mouse cursor into the monitor. Instead it allows the cursor to move into the other monitor for one second and then throws it back into the edge of the monitor it's supposed to be locked into.

I'm running Windows 10 and can provide a troubleshooting log if needbe. Thanks!
Jan 24, 2016  • #1
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Kevin F.
450 discussion posts
Worked ok for me a couple moths ago with command and conquer generals, but I used lock to active window instead of monitor, worth a shot. Just tested lock to monitor and it worked fine, but I am on latest beta.
Jan 24, 2016 (modified Jan 24, 2016)  • #2
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Brandon Haymaker50951
2 discussion posts
Hey Kevin, thanks for the response. Yeah I tried locking to active window instead, but it still had the same problem. Odd thing is, when I'm on my desktop before I launch the game(s) I'm having problems with and hit my shortcut it works, but once in game it has the problem. Trying to activate it in game doesn't work either. Having the issues with Dirty Bomb, League of Legends, and Blade and Soul. Maybe I'll search for the beta version and see if that works.
Jan 24, 2016  • #3
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Kevin F.
450 discussion posts
Odd, league should lock the mouse by itself, I play it a ton and never have an issue. Leads me to think that something else is interfering here.

here is a poke at keith: The only issue I have for DF and league is that wallpapers don't stop changing :( Have to set a compatibility, but this should be automatic as any 3d thing does not like having the wallpaper change at all.

P.S. League is windowed borderless. I believe a fix was made to combat this long ago but only applied with fullscreen.
Jan 25, 2016 (modified Jan 25, 2016)  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
@Brandon: How's the CPU usage on your system when a game is running? It could be that the DisplayFusion mouse hooks are getting delayed because they're having to wait for the CPU to be free.

@Kevin: There's an issue with detecting some borderless games a full screen. On the Settings > Compatibility tab, you can add a rule for the game and enable the option to have it always treated as full screen. That should fix this up, as long as you have the "Pause wallpaper on full screen" option enabled in the Wallpaper Settings window :)
Jan 26, 2016  • #5
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Kevin F.
450 discussion posts
didn't even realize that was a setting in there, why is it not enabled by default? Wallpaper changes devastate anything fullscreen in my experience.I just used the disable wallpaper changes compatibility option.
Jan 28, 2016 (modified Jan 28, 2016)  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
DisplayFusion can't tell the difference between a windowed LoL window and a borderless one, and some people might actually want their wallpaper to change even with the game window open. Having a hard coded exception to disable wallpaper while certain games are running would end up generating support requests from people asking why their wallpaper doesn't change while LoL is open :)
Jan 28, 2016  • #7
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