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1 discussion post
I'm on Windows 7 with no plans on upgrading to 8/10 (not fond of either so far). I've read the other threads claiming adding the DF jump menus to the main (Windows) task bar is not possible due to Windows limitations. My problem accepting this is other programs seem to be able to do it, at least in some fashion. For instance, a competitor of DF, UltraMon, adds custom entries to the main task bar context menus so long as the Windows jump menus are turned off (using something like 7 Taskbar Tweaker aka 7TT). Speaking of 7TT, it's able to do manipulate the Windows task bar behavior very effectively.

The lack of quick access to window movement commands from the right-click of a task bar item is the only thing holding me back from buying and committing to DF. Is there anything on the horizon for this or is it still considered too much effort for the end result?
Aug 24, 2015  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
I think what you're referring to are the window "system menus," which can also be accessed by right-clicking an applications caption bar. This is also on our feature request list, and is definitely possible, it's just not something we've had a chance to implement yet. I'll be sure to let you know when we do :)

In the meantime, you can replace the Windows taskbar with the DF one. It's not a supported feature, but if you want to try it out, the instructions are here.
Aug 25, 2015  • #2
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