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130 discussion posts
I use a few features in DF and a program called Winsplit, where I re-hit the same key for rotations.
Let's pretent my transparency hotkey is CTRL-T

I'd love to hit CTRL T to go
25% trans
50% trans
75% trans
back to 100% (no trans)
25% trans
50% tr..

and so on - so I can cycle through my pre-set selections within the hotkey./
I asked for this previously on another feature and got shot down (and found a good solution anyhow)
Any thoughts in adding this? The transparency is great but a bit too transparent for my needs in some ways, not enough others.
Jun 30, 2014  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
This may actually be possible with another feature we're planning to add in a future version. I've added your info to that ticket, and we'll let you know when we're able to implement it :)

Jun 30, 2014  • #2
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130 discussion posts
Keith, I've started a new thread about Winsplit - you can see what I mean about continually hitting the same hotkey and having the package cycle a list of commands in sequence, I mean I assume that's clear in my original post aboutthe transparency configuration but still just incase it's not - it's kind of obvious there.

Option #2 which just occurred to me was perhaps hold down a hotkey and literally move the mouse to adjust transparency - up is light, down is dark?
Man I should've been a developer :(
Thanks again
Jul 7, 2014  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
The mouse option would be a lot more risky, as it would involve mouse hooks which can be a bit unreliable. But yeah, I know what you mean about winsplit :)
Jul 8, 2014  • #4
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