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David H Voelker
10 discussion posts
My Dell S2721QS monitor has gone through spells where it periodically blinks to black for a second or two several minutes apart since I bought it a year ago. I just discovered the reason, as reported online by other owners. Somehow, its refresh rate keeps resetting to 59.997 Hz. Manually changing it back to 60 Hz fixes the problem, but it doesn’t last – it keeps getting reset back to 59.997 Hz (often within the hour). Nobody seems to know why.
I’ve been using DisplayFusion Pro for over a decade. Is there some way I can set it to automatically reset this monitor back to 60 Hz when it strays? I’m on Windows 10.
Aug 31, 2022  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi David,

Our monitor profiles save the refresh rate, so you can save a profile with that monitor at 60hz and add a key combination to run it each time it gets changed. You can find our guide on monitor profiles here:

Hope that helps!
Aug 31, 2022  • #2
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David H Voelker
10 discussion posts
Thanks. I saw the key combo but it really doesn’t help me much – still requires a manual action whenever I notice the problem. I was hoping for an automated solution where DisplayFusion would lock the refresh rate at 60 Hz so I didn’t have to keep doing it manually.
Aug 31, 2022  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Ah okay, I can't think of way to do that unfortunately :(

Aug 31, 2022  • #4
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