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Gregory Diebold
49 discussion posts
When analyzing one of your custom scripts, I was curious as to the origin of the numeric values passed to .IsKeyDown() after noticing they weren't my typical ASCII values.

I found a few key code sites, like Is there another standard chart you use?
• Attachment: Snip.jpg [132,990 bytes]
Jan 7, 2024 (modified Jan 7, 2024)  • #1
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102 discussion posts
You don't really have to worry about that if you use their editor. It will ask you what keys you want when you auto-complete the method name.

If you want to do things the hard way, you can consult this chart:
2024-01-09 03_51_47-Select Keys _ DisplayFusion Pro on Steam 10.1.2.png
2024-01-09 03_51_47-Select Keys _ DisplayFusion Pro on Steam 10.1.2.png
Jan 9, 2024 (modified Jan 9, 2024)  • #2
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Gregory Diebold
49 discussion posts
I prefer easy, but my version does not show that after typing. I do not have the Steam version, though.
I'm a developer, too, so don't mind getting my hands dirty in code, though.....

UPDATE: The editor popup in the graphic you sent does not invoke by just typing,
if (BFS.Input.IsKeyDown(
; however, it will show if I double-click the method name in the intelisense dropdown with my mouse.
• Attachment: ikd.png [7,289 bytes]
Jan 9, 2024 (modified Jan 9, 2024)  • #3
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102 discussion posts
More or less how it was invoked for me was that I typed the first few letters of the method name... used arrow keys to select the correct one and hit Enter. I didn't need to use my mouse.
Jan 10, 2024  • #4
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Gregory Diebold
49 discussion posts
Tried that, too. The double-click seems to be the most consistant on this system, though. Who knows?
Jan 10, 2024  • #5
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