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6 discussion posts

Let me preface this with the fact that I'm using an HP TouchSmart 320 TouchScreen PC. I already know the following:
- this is not meant for dual monitor interface...I am aware and have disabled touchscreen and everything else
- I have gotten it to work with Actual Multiple Monitors...
- I have a DisplayLink HP connect...

What are the most basic setting for Display Fusion pro trial x5.1 that will eliminate the bulk of the freezing, trails, and lagging? All
I need is to be able to use it seamlessly at work. There is no gaming or RAM overload being done. Again, I know this isn't the ideal PC for this, but I have gotten it to work in the past.

Any help is appreciated, as this driving me crazy!

Nov 1, 2013  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
DisplayFusion shouldn't be lagging or freezing with any combination of settings. Could you try disabling the Taskbars and TitleBar Buttons to see if that makes any difference at all? We'll need to track it down to a specific feature and then proceed from there :)

Nov 1, 2013  • #2
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6 discussion posts
Hi Keith,

Thanks for the response. I disabled the taskbar, and it's still lagging. It also does this thing [SCREENSHOT ATTACHED], where the mouse makes trails over a page -- it's extremely frustrating. I suspect this has something to do with the refresh rate.

In any case, this is happening with Chrome, Firefox, and Explorer -- I'd prefer to use Chrome. What's the next move?

• Attachment [protected]: lag_screenshot_110113.JPG [239,049 bytes]
Nov 1, 2013  • #3
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Wow, that's bizarre! And if you exit DisplayFusion, that doesn't happen at all? It almost seems like it could be an issue with the video card and/or the video card drivers.

I noticed that you're using the Aero Basic Windows theme. If you switch it to full Aero (glass), does this still happen?
Nov 1, 2013  • #4
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6 discussion posts
stupid question -- what does that mean and how do I do that?

I'll google now, but I don't have any clue what that means.
Nov 1, 2013  • #5
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Just try right-clicking the desktop, choose Personalize, then choose the "Windows 7" theme under the "Aero Themes" section.
Nov 1, 2013  • #6
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6 discussion posts
Hi -- did that. I have the Aero theme, and it's still happening. Next move?

• Attachment [protected]: lag_screenshot_346pm.JPG [652,896 bytes]
Nov 1, 2013  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, if you exit DisplayFusion completely (right-click the DisplayFusion tray icon, choose Exit), does this stop happening?

If so, could you try starting DisplayFusion up again, and then try disabling just the Multi-Monitor Taskbar feature (Settings > Taskbar) to see if that makes a difference?
Nov 1, 2013  • #8
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6 discussion posts
No -- the monitor lags when Display fusion is on -- taskbar or not...but this error message popped up. Attached.
• Attachment [protected]: Display error message 406p.JPG [36,640 bytes]
Nov 1, 2013  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, that error message just means that some other program is using that hotkey. You can change the key combination for that Function in Settings > Functions.

As for the display issues, if you uninstall DisplayFusion, do they go away?
Nov 6, 2013  • #10
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6 discussion posts
Yes, this is still happening -- DisplayFusion is NOT running. I am running an aero background. This is really frustrating -- I'm attaching my settings for each monitor.

Thanks in advance -- please let me know any suggestions?
• Attachment [protected]: Display1Settings.JPG [59,645 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Display2Settings.JPG [47,301 bytes]
Nov 4, 2014  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, if that display redraw issue is still happening with DisplayFusion not running, my guess would be a hardware issue with the video card, or an issue with the video drivers. The only suggestions I can make there are to update the video card drivers, or swap it out for a known good video card to see if the same issues occur.

Hope that helps!
Nov 11, 2014  • #12
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