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Justin Fleck24624
4 discussion posts
I've been using displayfusion for a few months now on windows 11 pro. And while i am enjoying it, there are a handful of pain points that I hope there are fixes for or will eventually be fixed.

I am using buttery taskbar in order to hide my taskbar on my main screen, and using displayfusion taskbar on my 2nd screen. The whole reason I purchased displayfusion in the first place, was so i could do this.

1. Maxamized windows on 2nd monitor will eventually have part of the window stuck behind the displayfusion taskbar. This happens A LOT. It happens so often I had to make a .bat file that restarts window explorer. This seems to be the only way to fix it. This seems to trigger randomly after X amount of time, or after PC goes to sleep and wakes, or after switching monitors via HDMI switch, or some combination of these events.

2. Pinned programs eventually stop working on the displayfusion taskbar and need to be re-pinned in order to work again. Not sure what triggers this, but maybe because the programs get updated and it messes with DF. Big offenders for this one are Steam, Discord, and Logitech GHUB. I need to re-pin them once or twice a week, every week.

3. System tray works sometimes, but usually not. When i left click system tray on DF taskbar, it will work and show normal maybe 1/5 times. Sometimes i need to spam click it in order to get it to show normally. When it is not showing normal, the little window that pops up on left click is cut off and unusable.

4. This goes with the point above, but ear trumpet is largely useless now. It gets cutoff on the DF taskbar and can't really be used. Eartrumpet lives in the system tray, so this is probably more of the issue above. This is incredibly annoying because eartrumpet is amazing, and i miss being able to use it.

5. Can't playback videos on VLC or SMplayer when right clicking their respective pinned icons and selecting from the recent list on DF taskbar. No idea why this doesn't work. The recent list and file playback work fine when using it through the vanilla windows taskbar, it just won't play doing the same thing on DF taskbar.

6. Alt-Tab sometimes stops working correctly. When it is bugged, alt-tab won't switch windows on its own, but instead you need to alt-tab and then click on the window you want to be in the foreground. Not sure what causes this one, but only restarting the PC seems to fix it.

These are my main pain points above. There are more issues, but these are the big ones. Is there any fix for these? Googling did not give me any info.
Aug 2, 2023 (modified Aug 2, 2023)  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
Hi Justin,

1. Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:
  • Open the Settings > Troubleshooting tab
  • Click the "Export Info to File" button
  • Reply with the file attached

2. This is usually because the app has the version number in the path, and then it updates so the path is incorrect. That's strange it's happening that often though. Could you check to see if the path changes the next time you re-pin it?

3 & 4. DisplayFusion needs the tray from the Windows taskbar to poll it. If you're hiding it with another app that's likely causing this issue. If you run without Buttery does the issue persist?

5. I tested it out on my end and it seemed to work fine. Is VLC not loading at all?

6. If you aren't already, can you update to our latest beta and let me know if the issue perists? We've reworked our AltTab code. Here's the link:
Aug 2, 2023  • #2
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Justin Fleck24624
4 discussion posts
Hi Owen, Thanks for the prompt response. I bolded my replies to make it easier to read

1. Could you send me a copy of your troubleshooting info? Here are the steps:

Attached. I wasn't sure if you needed this export while the taskbar was in a messed up state or not, so i attached 2 versions. I just created the non-glitched one, and then the glitch happened while I was writing this reply so i've attached that one as well lol.

2. This is usually because the app has the version number in the path, and then it updates so the path is incorrect. That's strange it's happening that often though. Could you check to see if the path changes the next time you re-pin it?

I will check next time but i don't see a version number in the path for Steam. Here is how it reads at the moment in DF
Application: A:\Steam\bin\cef\cef.win7x64\steamwebhelper.exe
Command Line Arguments: "-lang=en_US" "-cachedir=C:\Users\justi\AppData\Local\Steam\htmlcache" "-steampid=20516" "-buildid=1689034492" "-steamid=0" "-logdir=A:\Steam\logs" "-uimode=7" "-startcount=0" "-steamuniverse=Public" "-realm=Global" "-clientui=A:\Steam\clientui" "-steampath=A:\Steam\steam.exe" "-launcher=0" --enable-media-stream --enable-smooth-scrolling --enable-direct-write "--log-file=A:\Steam\logs\cef_log.txt" --disable-quick-menu "--disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies" "--enable-blink-features=ResizeObserver,Worklet,AudioWorklet" "--disable-blink-features=Badging"

Additionally, if i use steam.exe for the application instead (filepath A:\Steam\steam.exe), it seems to work better but then it always opens a 2nd steam icon in the taskbar (with the first filepath i posted), and i dont really want 2 steam icons cluttering the taskbar either.

3 & 4. DisplayFusion needs the tray from the Windows taskbar to poll it. If you're hiding it with another app that's likely causing this issue. If you run without Buttery does the issue persist?

I think it is definitely related to buttery taskbar. But how can I make these things play nice together? I only wanted DF because i want taskbar permanentely off my main screen as to not cause burn in (OLED), and to use taskbar exclusively on my 2nd screen. Are there any settings in DF that can accomplish this, or perhaps a program that does what buttery taskbar does but also plays nice with DF?

5. I tested it out on my end and it seemed to work fine. Is VLC not loading at all?

Sorry i gave some false info. The problem is exclusively with SMplayer. I just tested VLC and it's fine on both windows taskbar and DF taskbar. SMplayer is having the issue on DF taskbar though. It can play videos from the source fine, but when trying to load them again through the recent list, it opens and then just stops the video and hangs on a black screen. However now that I know VLC works, i will just use that instead.

6. If you aren't already, can you update to our latest beta and let me know if the issue perists? We've reworked our AltTab code. Here's the link:

I believe i am on an older beta version, so i will give this a shot. Thanks!
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Aug 2, 2023 (modified Aug 2, 2023)  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
1. Thanks for sending that over, have you used Start11 in the past? There was an issue with it interfering with the work area, we added in an "Enable prompt to restart explorer when issue detected" advanced setting that you can enable.

2. Yeah Steam is odd because the main .exe opens the web helper .exe. It's likely due to the build number mentioned in the command line.

3 & 4. There isn't much we can do here unfortunately. With Windows 11, Microsoft made some backend changes that causes us to use the Windows taskbar to grab the tray menu & icons. We're a bit stuck here now, but it might change in the future as it wasn't an issue with previous versions of Windows.

Aug 3, 2023  • #4
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