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8 discussion posts
You may already have these in the works, but I figured I'd put in the request anyway :-)

Feature request:
1. Ability to filter Flickr images by orientation (landscape / portrait / square)
2. Ability to set minimum resolution / custom resolution / screen ratio (or even better, auto-detect screen ratio) when loading Flickr images.

For instance, one of my monitors is 1680 x 1050 (ratio of 1.6), the other is 1360/10234 (ratio of approx. 1.32). It would be great if DisplayFusion could filter on images that meet or are near the appropriate screen ratio.

Similarly, it would be great to specify a minimum resolution for images, so that it would ignore any images that aren't at least [for example] 1280 x 800.
Oct 28, 2008  • #1
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
I have been toying with the idea of having a minimum resolution setting for Flickr images, so look for this in a future release. :)
Nov 5, 2008  • #2
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